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I am drowning by the thoughts of you.

The day of the Jeon's family royal ball has finally come by. Every maids and servants in the castle rushed around from one place to another to help you, the king and the prince to get ready for the ball.

Of course, since it's hosted by another royalty, those who are invited must be well dressed in an elegant dress and suite as well as having their hair and make up done charmingly.

"Why do I feel like I'm in a Cinderella movie now? Except that I'm not tutored by two step sisters and a step mother" You talk quietly to yourself.

"My lady, which of these dresses do you prefer?" Rina asks you.

"Um.. why don't you pick it out for me Rina? You have a good taste in fashion. Remember the day of the royal meeting? The dress that you pick for me really hit the spotlight" You gave her a thumbs up.

She already got used to you doing this and always return her thumbs up to you too. She gave you a pleasing look and began to rummage through the wardrobe for the right dress.

"Your highness, lady (y/n) will be here any second now" The servant told the King.

"Just in time for our ride" The king replied.

You walked down the stair from your room and entered the hall. When Jin and Namjoon laid their eyes on you, they were left speechless. They couldn't look away from you as you look even more different from last time.

"(Y/n) is that really you?" Taehyung asked.

"Um, yes it's me"

"Wow.. you really are beautiful" He complemented you.

Both the king and the prince thought of how Taehyung had beat them to it.

"Thank you.. Taehyung" You blushed.

The other servants and maidens around also complemented you. While you were busying thanking others, Taehyung look at his brothers and he realized that they were gawking at you for a quite a while now. He faked a cough and that's when the two finally came back to their senses.

"U-um, the carriage is here.. we should get going" Jin said.

"Oh sure!" You replied.

You followed the two and went inside the royal carriage with them.

"Wow.. I can't believe I get to ride in one of this luxurious car.. It definitely feels like Cinderella movie now"

Jin noticed how you fawned over the carriage so he said, "I knew you'd be excited to ride in one of these"

"You read my mind, your highness" You laughed and so did he.

Prince Namjoon was a little upset, seeing how you and his brother interacted with each other so well.

"We've finally arrived at the royal ball your highnesses and my lady" The coachman said as he opened the door for you three.

Once the place came into sight, you were in awe. Even though you've already seen the castle from when the carriage entered inside, you were still amazed by how stunning the Jeon's family castle is.

'I read about these in the books. Who would've thought I was able to witness one with my very own eyes?'

The Jeon's royal family castle is surely beautiful and huge but even so, Jin's castle still beat theirs.

"(Y/n) let's go inside" Both the king and the prince called you at the same time.

"A-ah, okay!"

You went inside with them and had to walk down the large hall to get to the ballroom. When you set your foot inside, your jaw dropped.

"This is the royal ball? Am I dreaming?"

"You're not dreaming (y/n) and yes this is the real royal ball" Namjoon said.

"I really am living the dream!"

From the gold, dangling chandelier to the gold arts and statues, you felt as if everything was just a scene from a fairy tale movie. Everything amazes you so much that you even started to smile happily all by yourself.

"King Seokjin and Prince Namjoon from the Sky Kingdom has arrived at the royal ball" The announcer was about to call your name but you signaled him, telling him not to do so.

You sneak aside to one place while letting the king and the prince be presented to the crowd. Everyone around the room made way for the king and the prince and bowed to them. They walked in and the Jeon's family finally showed up to greet their cousins.

Royals | Kim SeokjinWhere stories live. Discover now