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It's never too late to start.

The very next day, news of you and Jungkook getting married was announced throughout the whole kingdom and the world. A lot of people were surprised by this sudden news but they were more than happy for you. As for some others, they already knew that this would happen one day because of the way Jungkook treated you differently at every events that they see you and him attended.

You, without a doubt, did not forget to ask your son about it. You and Jungkook were very nervous and afraid at first but surprisingly, Ji-hoon was very understanding about it and even told you both that he was glad that Jungkook will be his father. He was happy for you and he was also happy for himself too that he finally has a father who he can be with.

Jungkook, Jimin, Yoongi and Hyejin were the ones who's excitement exceeded to the top but the one who really go beyond the limit was Jungkook. He was so happy that all of the planning for you and his royal wedding were mostly arranged by him. He, of course, did ask for your opinion but seeing him so hyped up like this, you decided to let him take care of everything else while you organize the invitations. It took him three executive days to finally finish the arrangement that meets his satisfaction.

And thus, you and Jungkook's big royal wedding happened successfully and you both became husband and wife legally.

Everything went really well and smoothly and everyone was happy, including you and Jungkook who now shares the same bed. It was awkward at first because one minute, you were only his close friends and now, you became his wife. 

You did try to be open-minded with your new chapter with Jungkook but it all went away the moment he tried to kiss you that night after you and his wedding. He didn't rush you nor did he force you or anything but as soon as he moved closer to you, you immediately move away and pushed his chest out slightly. All because you remembered Jin's face in your head, you had to hurt this man's feeling. That's when you knew you screwed up. When you look up to face him, you can clearly see his heart breaking just by his eyes alone.

"Jungkook.. I-I'm sorry" You apologized, feeling more guilty than you'll ever be.

"No, I should be the one to apologize, I'm sorry if I took it too far.. I really didn't mean to hurt you like this" He said with his voice cracking a bit.

You didn't say anything else and just sat there, on the bed, crying while covering your face. Jungkook moved in closer to hug you and tried his best to calm you down. You knew you'd messed up big time but you can't deny the fact that you begin to miss Jin again. You see nothing other than his face in your mind.

Even after what happened between you and Jungkook last night, he still remain the same person that he is; no awkwardness, no different attitude, just the same jolly and caring Jungkook. However, you did saw sadness hidden behind his eyes. You felt really guilty about the way you acted towards him. You and him are already wedded to one another so why would you still distance yourself from him? Have you really moved on from Jin?

Of course not. You still see his face everyday in your clouded mind and there's not a single day that you wouldn't miss him.

When you and Jungkook finally put Ji-hoon to sleep, you both leave his room to go to yours. After Jungkook closes Ji-hoon's bedroom door, he suddenly took your hand and led you back to you and his room. It shocked you, a lot, because this is what Jin always do. And once again, you were reminded of him. You didn't know what had really gotten over you that halfway there, you stopped on your track and pulled your hand away from him. Jungkook was a bit alarmed but he knew right away that you were uncomfortable with it. He looked at you with his sad eyes and smiled at you.

"It's okay to tell me you don't like it (y/n), I won't do it again"

You gulped and you looked down to your feet.

"Why?" you asked him. Your voice shaking a bit.

"I.. I just didn't want to hurt you and-"

"No.. why Jungkook? Why are you so nice to me even with the way I acted towards you?" Your eyes were already glittering with tears as you speak and it slowly began to fall on your cheeks. You sat down on the ground and hugged your knees close to your chest while you let your head rest in between them. Jungkook knelt down in front of you and pat your head gently.

"(Y/n).. look at me" He said softly with still, a smile on his face. And you did. You looked at him with your swelled up eyes.

"I did this because I love you.. nothing else.. I love you and I don't care if you still love hyungnim" He said. "I have made my vows to love you and to protect you until the end. It's okay if you feel uncomfortable with me but I do hope that... someday you'll open up your heart and at least, let me be there for you"

With just those few words of his, you sobbed even more. He hugged you to his chest and you cried into it, most likely soaking his pajamas.

"I'm sorry Jungkook" was all you said before passing out.

Many weeks had gone by and you began to recover from the incident. You tried your best to open your heart and it's safe to say that it has started to work bit by bit. It's all thanks to Jungkook, your loving friends, Jimin, Yoongi and Hyejin, and your son.

You once, even had a small talk with your son about this new life and about Jin. You both shared your burden and your hidden feelings that you had faced after Jin passed away. You were so glad that you both had decided to talk it out together. Although, he was more mature and wiser than he looks. His action and encouraging words makes you loosen up on your dark thoughts. You knew right away that your son, is finally becoming the person that everyone had taught him to be and you were more than delighted because you knew you hadn't been the best mother and you're willing to change yourself for the better.

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