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I longed for you.

You really couldn't believe it.

He literally just, kissed your lips to stop you from talking.

Your eyes were opened wide and they kept on blinking as if all this was too good to be true. You were breathless. He only smirked at you and continued on staring at you, not bothering to move away in shyness. It seems like you were the only one who is totally flustered in this moment.

"You weren't expecting me to do that?" He laughed.

"O-of course not! W-who would d-do that all o-of a sudden!?" You averted your eyes around the room.

Jin chuckled because of your reaction but once he realized you wouldn't stop moving around, he just grab your chin and turn your face over to meet his eyes again.

"I think now, is the right time for me to confess what I've held in for so long" He smiled at you.

His face was too close to yours that it makes it hard for you to focus. He moved in and pecked your lips again but when he made eye contact with you after that, he finally speaks out the words that you've been longing to hear.

"I love you (y/n)"

Your heart was jumping really fast and loud and you just froze in spot. You can't imagine how much those three words coming out from the mouth of the one you love really has a big effect on you.

"Will you accept this man's love?" He asked you softly as he rest his forehead on yours. You close your eyes and giggled.

"Of course I will Jin.. I love you too" You responded him with a smile that has never been this real before.

He chuckled again and said, "Oh god, I was afraid you'd change your mind already"

You hit him on his arm playfully and laughed along with him. "Way to ruin the moment"

Then, out of the blue, you felt Jin's tight grip on your waist, moving you in closer to him. Your hand unconsciously move on its own to shield yourself from entirely touching Jin's body.

"We can finally have some time alone now" He said quietly.

You were kind of panicking because you already know what he's going to do next but no lie though, you were awaiting for this moment too.

Jin didn't say anything after that and just dipped in to kiss you again. This time, his lips aligned with yours perfectly like a missing puzzle. You didn't react like before and just close your eyes as you let his lips move with yours.

What really shocks you next was when Jin suddenly lay you down on the bed. Your arms and legs moved around, trying to show a signal, asking him why he's doing this but he assured you that he won't go over the boundaries without your permission. You relaxed in his hold after hearing him tells you that and continued on having your sweet moment with him.

When you wake up, the first thing that you see was Jin's face which is pretty obvious because you both were together last night. But this time, you weren't the one to wake up first so clearly, he was the one staring at your face this time.

"Are you finally awake?" He whispers quietly. You only nodded your head and smiled at him. Then he gave you a light kiss on your forehead.

"My lady, are you awake yet? Your breakfast is being prepared right now, Jimin told me to tell you" Rina shouted from the other side of the door.

You and Jin looked at each other with both of your eyes wide open. You both quickly moved out of the bed which results in Jin falling down with a loud thud.

"What's going on in there my lady!? Have you fallen out of bed!? Are you hurt anywhere!? I'm coming in right now!"

You and Jin started panicking even more, trying to find some ways to hide but it was already too late as Rina had spare keys. When Rina saw Jin still lying down on the floor, she froze in spot and dropped the key.

"Y-your highness!" She bowed. "I-I didn't know y-you were in here, I'm v-very sorry! Please forgive me!!"

With that, she instantly left the room right after asking for forgiveness. You sighed and facepalmed yourself.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that" Jin laughed but you glared at him. He let out a fake cough and looked away from your eyes.

You sighed once again and said, "Let's go get ready before anyone else sees us like this"

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