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The young boy watched every scene unfolding at the Bose Villa. The tall tree behind the house was hiding him well, making it impossible to sense his presence in the dark night. He was there to witness the demon's final defeat.

He was yet to find out what was the real use of the deer musk but he had learned seeing with his own eyes that it was the only ingredient both needed to kill a demon as powerful as this one and to activate the ultimate power that the king of Kaanthalis had craved for centuries. In a way, it was both a curse and a blessing in hands of those who knew how to use it.

The paranormal investigator had interpreted the text well and helped the women in the last moment. Though being an Aśvin devotee, Ela must have known how to use the deer musk properly and it helped them.

His grandfather was right when he had asked him to handover the scripture to the paranormal investigator. But being an ardent follower of Neelkantha how could he handover the actual text to Gorkel. He had made a copy and gave it to him, while the real scripture remained secured under his care, of course, he would guard it with his life and make sure no one ever touches it again. After all, it was the sole reason for taking away the lives of those innocent creatures centuries ago.

With the demon of Hiralal gone his path of joining the aghoris group would become easy. He should feel excited and content but seeing Shomak's limp body resting on Ela's lap he too felt deep regret.

When he had helped Gorkel by giving the copy of the scriptures he didn't foresee this outcome. He didn't wish for an innocent soul to suffer but wasn't it an age-old saying that in the war of the clans the innocent suffers the most?

He dialled his grandfather's number and pressed the call button. The old man picked up after a few rings. "Why are you calling so late?" he asked in a sleepy voice.

"When you gave me the instruction to deliver the scripture, why didn't you warn me that it might take lives?" he asked. His hushed tone might be inaudible to passersby but his grandfather was quick to pick.

"That's what the ancient scriptures do, one wrong move and it starts to destroy," his grandfather informed.

"Do you mean they made a wrong move? Did you foresee this?" from a very young age the boy had understood that his grandfather had all the qualities of a soothsayer but what he could never understand was the old man's views on the ancient scriptures. "Manuscripts never lies in the right hands," the old man reminded again.

"So, this means a sacrifice was indeed needed," the boy sighed and asked, "now what should I do?"

"Nothing. Your part is over, you will now move on to become an apprentice to my old friend and concentrate on the path you have chosen. Forget what you have seen tonight. It's no more your concern," his grandfather instructed sternly. The old man knew his grandson had an inclination towards the tortured soul and given a chance would jump to help but he must also understand that not every role was his to play. He must choose and that's why he was there to guide him.

"Very well, good night," the boy wished and disconnected the call. Satisfied he was able to convince his grandson, the old man too sighed and went back to sleep.

Putting the phone back in his pocket the boy took one last look at Shomak's still form and left. He just hoped by some miracle the women who had been suffering from generations, may get all the happiness they deserved. It was almost morning. His grandfather was right, his work here was done.

Ela's happiness was being with the man whose numb body now rested on her lap. With him, she had cheated her destiny and stolen a few happy moments, and maybe that was her fault; hence she was again thrown back to the familiar life of suffering.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now