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Shomak's all attempts to forget everything and sleep, went in vain. He was wide-awake staring at the ceiling. He tossed and turned but nothing worked. Ela's vulnerable form disturbed his thoughts and kept poking his mind. He knew that horror or paranormal genre won't be an easy topic to work with, moreover, he had explored many disturbing and emotionally draining topics in his career, still, he wasn't prepared to face such a situation on the first day itself.

When the alarm clock rang announcing the time, he sighed and got up. Taking out the cigarette from the bedside drawer he lighted it. He leaned beside the window, took a long puff and released the smoke. The smell of burning tobacco helped a little in clearing his head. He had studied a lot about haunted houses last night. Even went through a few articles in the hope of finding an answer to that mark. There was no exact answer except all his research was indicating towards a possible demonic attack. Now, plain ghost sightings or horror experience was one thing, a demon was totally another issue. He was afraid but that fear made his determination stronger.

Finishing the cigarette he went to the washroom and took a long cold shower. He was not someone who ran away because of fear. He has been facing his fears since childhood and that quality got him where he was today. He cannot just let Ela fight alone. And of course, his deal with his father mattered too. He was not backing off.

He dialled Ragnik's number but he was not picking up. Shomak knew he was a very late riser when not working and 7 am was equal to midnight for him. So he kept on calling continuously. After redialling for about twelve times Ragnik answered in an irritated voice.

"You know the address of that aunty you are dating at present?" Shomak asked.

"Shomak, please no," he sighed and said in a sleepy tome, "You are not interested in fucking her so it's definitely about Ela. I am not getting into this and you should not as well."

"Fine, I'll go alone. I'll get the address from Ela's office."

"Nishi won't let you," he chuckled.

"I'll bribe her boss!"

"Okay fine," Ragnik didn't argue any longer, he knew his friend. He could be one stubborn ass at times. "Pick me up in an hour. I am not taking my bike or car to that wretched house."

"No, not an hour. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

"What the – " Shomak disconnected the call before Ragnik completed the sentence. On a busy day the distance from Shomak's home to Ragnik's locality took about an hour, he didn't know how he would reach in thirty minutes but still he would try.

Burying the cat's body Ela and Mini joined their mother and sister in cleaning the house. The house smelled of blood, urine and dead bodies. Every night the four innocent lives suffered and every morning they cleaned the house with the hope that it would soon come to an end. 

Oishi sobbed while cleaning the chairs. Mini threw the broken pieces of glass utensils in the dustbin while Phalguni cleaned the stairs. Ela was rubbing the walls forcefully to remove the stain of blood. Her tears were not willing to stop. While with one hand she kept cleaning, with the other she brushed off her tears.

After they were satisfied that everything was cleaned again, they took shower one at a time without locking the door. The other three guarded outside. Ela changed into a simple saree and helped Mini and Oishi get ready for college and school. Phalguni was cooking and kept the backyard entrance from the kitchen firmly closed. 

Ela's room was directly opposite to Jhumpi's bedroom. Of course, as usual, she was again busy. Ela might not show it in front of her sisters but the truth was the way she despised this woman, nobody in the neighbourhood did. They all knew of her adventurous activities but Ela was witness to it. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't ignore.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now