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They couldn't sleep the entire night. Gorkel's words were still playing with their mind. It was both confusing and frightening. Something that dates back to the fifteenth century was making its appearance even in the modern day. May be thats why Ela and Mini became orphans. May be their entire clan was slaughtered for the thirst of power.

Oishi and Phalguni were still asleep so Mini made tea for everyone. Keeping her mother and Ela's tea in a separate pot she served the others.

"I don't drink tea!" Ragnik complained.

"Sorry we don't have alcohol!" Mini shrugged.

Shomak and Nishi suppressed a laugh as Ragnik clenched his jaw. "What I meant is I drink coffee."

"Black or latte?" She asked looking away.

"You know what - . Never-mind!" Ragnik brushed past her and went out of the house.

Shomak entered Ela's room unannounced and caught her off guard. He too found himself in a completely awkward situation as Ela was standing in her bra and long skirt. She quickly grabbed her top to cover herself. Embarrassed Shomak lowered his head and went out of the room muttering a quick apology.

"Ish!" shaking her head Ela hid her already red-face with the top. It was her fault. She had forgotten to lock the door. Staying in this house had somehow ruined all her manners and habit, though having lived in the all-girls company at home as well as in the hostel she was never conscious about the habits required around men. She wore the top with unsteady movements and firmly wrapped a scarf around her before asking Shomak to come in.

He was waiting outside trying to brush off the image that he had recently witnessed. These were one of those situations that would always linger in his mind; he neither liked nor hated it. He coughed and slowly pushed the door open before going in. "I am sorry I should have knocked," he said still looking towards the floor.

"It's fine I forgot to lock the door," she said without looking at him straight. He too was avoiding the direct eye contact. "So, umm, let's go?" Shomak asked. Ela didn't understand what he was asking, then she remembered he had mentioned about visiting Satyaki Films' head office. She nodded grabbing her bag from the sofa and followed behind him.

"Where are you going?" Phalguni asked seeing her daughter suddenly decked up after almost ages. She also didn't miss the soft blush on her face and a strange awkwardness between Shomak and Ela, who maintained about an arms distance between each other.

Shomak quickly explained to her about the visit to their production house's headquarters. Phalguni was a little disturbed and was not willing to let Ela step out of the house, though she knew she would be safer outside. "I am not sure Shomak," she spoke with worry.

Mini was passing from there with a pile of clothes when she saw the exchange. She had seen how happy her sister looked around Shomak. She wanted her to spend more and more time with Shomak. Around him, she was again her carefree elder sister, her smile had returned, she was breathing.

Mini came beside Phalguni and nudged her to agree. Seeing Mini plead Phalguni didn't protest much and allowed them to go.

As soon as Shomak left with Ela, Nishi spotted Ragnik strolling in front of the house. She forced him to go and invite Jhumpi for the party, "listen we need to coax the details from that aunty. So fuck her as much as you want but get the details. And I am sure she will take the bait of Shomak's party. As far as I have understood that woman, of course from hearing you and the Malakars, she will do anything for young penis. Now go!"

"That's gross!" Ragnik rolled his eyes and went out of the house with a disgusting look on his face. "The best part, I get to have fun with a hot woman. That's' it!" Ragnik muttered to himself and walked towards Jhumpi's house.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now