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Ela came out from the bathroom. Smiling at Shomak she went towards her dressing table. Shomak watched her picking up a perfume bottle and spraying on her neck. "Why do you have so many perfume bottles? That too unlabeled." Shomak asked.

"Oh, these are not branded perfumes. I made them."

"You make perfumes?" he asked in awe.

"Yes, that's my only skill besides academics."

"That's unique. From where did you learn it? I am sure they are not that into perfumes in Birbhum," Shomak asked as he got up and wore his shirt standing behind her in front of the mirror.

"Actually I was – " Ela paused as she noticed his reflection beside hers. She saw Shomak combing his hair with his fingers. She couldn't help but think they looked a lot like a real couple. She was getting used to his company, which was bad.

She quickly turned away and said, "I was actually in boarding school till 12th grade in Darjeeling. There was a small perfume shop near our school where we visited often during weekends. I learned all about perfumes from the old shopkeeper."

"That's nice. Okay, I'll have to check that backyard room," Shomak said properly buttoning his shirt. Ela turned and held his hand, "I'll come with you." Shomak was about to refuse but by now he had understood she was not going to back off. So he agreed.

"Shomak? Did you gave this to me?" Ela asked showing him the ek mukhi rudraksha. "Yes, it will protect you from the evil eye."

She smiled and kept it in her purse.

It looked like a garage space but very small for a car. The roof was broken in the corners while the bottom of the door had rusted away. Shomak took out the key that he had found on the bathroom shelf and tried opening the lock. But it didn't work so he pulled the lock hard. After a few attempts, the lock broke.

As soon as they opened the door a very strong smell hit their nose. "Kasturi," Ela said. Shomak frowned so she explained, "It's the smell of deer musk. We call it Kasturi in India."

Shomak nodded and switched on his mobile torch, and so did Ela. They looked everywhere inspecting the entire room. There were mostly broken trunks, furniture and some old glass bottles. Ela opened one of the trunks and saw there were jewelleries too. She picked up a huge white necklace, "oh my god, this is elephant tusk!"

Shomak took it from her and checked, "but how are you so sure? It could be a fake one."

"I have seen these similar pieces in Darjeeling. Also, see here," Ela showed him the trunk, "it's decorated with rare stones and materials. I have read in a book, these things are used in tantric practices."

The sudden rustle among the boxes startled them. They turned and spotted a rat going out in the backyard. Due to that rustle one of the trunks had fallen down and all its contents fell out. Shomak picked up the trunk and saw a bridal saree, few ornaments and videocassettes scattered on the damp floor. Ela picked up a long chain from the pile, "this has initials, a 'P'"

Shomak quickly put back the things only keeping the videocassettes. "We can come and explore this place later. Now we need to leave, your mother must be worried." Ela kept the chain with her. Shomak closed the door firmly and asked Ela to put a new lock.

Jhumpi didn't sleep the entire night. She was up staring at Ela's closed window, particularly at Bose Villa. When in the morning Ela opened the window Jhumpi cursed seeing her smile. She also saw the flirtatious glances the two exchanged, which irritated her the most.

However, Jhumpi was now completely sure. She saw Shomak and Ela coming out from the front door and getting into the car. Since Shomak didn't die the previous night, it could only mean one thing. He was the one.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ