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Nishi and Ela reached a few minutes later after Shomak and Ragnik. They followed Ragnik upstairs, who talked non-stop about how convenient it is for a cinematographer to have a well-equipped studio at home. Having heard his blabbering innumerable times Nishi and Shomak exchanged a glance and rolled their eyes while Ela tried hard to understand the cinematic and photography jargons he kept on using. 

Ragnik opened the apartment door and welcomed everyone inside. "What the hell happened?" Nishi gasped seeing the condition of his flat. Shomak pulled him by the collar and warned, "If your studio is also in this shape I am going to kill you, Raks."

"Of course not. That's my baby. It's only for work," Ragnik assured. 

"Did you have a brawl in here?" Nishi asked pointing at the scattered things around the floor as she carefully stepped in. Broken vas, fallen chairs, torn curtains; Ragnik's flat was in a complete mess. But Nishi's shock turned into a smirk when she spotted a pink bra. She picked it up and holding it in front of Ragnik's face she chuckled. "This is a D-cup. Okay, I change my question, so had fun last night?" she asked Ragnik.

"Yes," Ragnik replied dragging the word a little with satisfaction. "But she left early with a promise to come back again."

"Oh, how romantic! So are you meeting her tonight as well?"

Shomak coughed making them aware of Ela's presence. Nishi threw the bra and Ragnik quickly picked up the scattered items. They had finally realised that they were not alone; their  visitor was unaccustomed to their uncensored talks.

Ela had found a secluded spot near the drawing-room window. Standing there she stared outside, not bothering to react on Ragnik and Nishi's playful conversation. Ragnik broke the silence asking, "you seemed unaffected by the horrendous state of my apartment, Ela?"

Ela turned, flashing a sad smile she replied "it will take a lot more to affect me after what I have gone through."

Ela's words tensed Shomak a lot. What could have happened at the haunted house that she looked horrified and broken? He thought. 

"Can you complete the shot fast? I need to leave in two hours," Ela pleaded. Shomak nodded and Ragnik went inside the studio to do the setup. Nishi too helped him to make it quick. Shomak jotted down few questions and explained Ela about the recording and how it would go.

Ela went towards the chair and sat down. Shomak noticed her every move. She had no interest in the huge studio setups, neither was she concerned about her make-up or camera appearance. She just wanted to get this over quickly. But for that, she needed to feel comfortable. She needed to open up. She seemed too conscience about narrating her experience.

"Nishi, Ragnik, can you leave us alone?" Shomak asked. They looked confused, Ela too looked up at Shomak. "What? Why?" Ragnik asked.

"I need to speak to her in private, it's better if I make a project outline and then we discuss the camera setups," Shomak said.

"No Shomak, that's not possible," Nishi protested but Ragnik had understood why Shomak wanted to speak to Ela alone. He held Nishi's hand and shook his head. "It's okay, Shomak you can speak to her and get the project outline done. We will wait outside," he assured. 

Nishi tried to protest again but Ragnik dragged her out to explain.

"White is not a preferable colour as it will mix with the background. I would request you to wrap your printed dupatta around. We will take a half-bust shot," Shomak turned away to give her the privacy required and concentrated on the equipment.

Ela quickly did as asked and waited for Shomak's instructions. Shomak hadn't noticed that she was looking at him. She couldn't deny the fact that she had felt an unexplained pull towards him and for some reason, she had started to trust him. Given the circumstances, she would have felt shy and scared to stay alone in a soundproof studio with a person she had just met. But her instinct said he was trustworthy.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora