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Demon, it was a demon. While studying in Darjeeling Ela had often felt a strange inclination towards history and mythology. She had a habit of reading. She was proud to say that there were more books in her room than clothes. Naturally, a thirst for knowledge built up inside her at a very young age. She had read about demonic creatures in one such book, though the appearance of Bose Villa's monster was nothing as described in her childhood stories and Indian myths. Still, she did guess it was a demon. Now she was eager to find out what kind of a demon it was. Maybe then she would take another step closer to identify how to defeat it.

Ela curled her legs under her skirt and sat looking at the sky while Shomak drove in silence. Her mind replaying Gorkel's every word. Her heart thudded, she knew there was no way out until she got more information.

"Why are you so worried Ela?" Shomak asked. Ela turned at him in surprise, "What are you saying Shomak? After what Gorkel said shouldn't I be worried? There's no one to save us. And I am not worried about my fate, I am more concerned about my family."

"Everything will be alright, we just need some time."

"How can you say that? Didn't you hear Gorkel?" Ela was beyond shocked. Shomak was so calm while a storm was raging inside her.

"I did. Maybe you missed the part where he mentioned we need more information about the house."

"Which is hidden!"

"Which I can dig out!"


"I have my means," he smiled, "You are forgetting that I am a documentary filmmaker. We believe in reality, in information, in evidence. Our films are not work-of-fiction, it's the portrayal of reality, for which we dig out truths."

Ela was amazed. She couldn't think of one reason why this man whom she met just a few days back wanted to help her in spite of hearing that there was no way, saving them was completely impossible.

"Why are you doing this for me?" she asked in despair.

Shomak pressed the break halting the car at the side of the road.

"If I tell you, you will laugh," he said turning towards her.

Ela noticed they had reached her destination. Well, a dungeon of tortures, actually.

"Try me!" Ela's heartbeat had increased. The sun was setting; she knew she had very limited time in hand, the bell had started to ring inside her mind yet she anxiously waited for Shomak's reply. Deep down she had tried to assume but was afraid to accept.

Shomak knew it was too soon but he was sure.

"I love you Ela."

Many a love story remains incomplete due to the fear of confessing. Ironically that's exactly what is needed for the love to flourish and continue. And when in cases as theirs, where time was the biggest villain, it's best not to delay with the confession and just say it, not thinking about the outcome.

Shomak was turning twenty-five very soon. He was aware enough to understand that the path he was about to walk in was not all romantic. He was scared for what might happen to Ela but he was not afraid to confess. He didn't want to leave it all on time which was too short for them.

As he waited for her to react she sat there frozen. No, she had never imagined Shomak would say that. Yes, she did assume that Shomak might say about liking her or making the project successful but not this. Not the pure confession. It was too soon and even if it was true, she didn't want to accept. She was not lucky enough, she didn't deserve his love. He needs to stop. This cannot go on.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now