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Instead of going towards the terrace, Shomak took Ela inside an old medicine storeroom. Closing the door he shoved her against the wall. He was angry, frustrated and also scared. He didn't know why she was hiding so much. He agreed that it was difficult for her to speak but he too tried everything to make her comfortable. He didn't push her even for a second to tell him each and every detail of Bose Villa. Despite that, she was hiding a lot of things.

Shaken by his sudden behaviour Ela watched in confusion as he searched through the drawers adjacent to a cupboard. It seemed he knew the place very well. She could hear the sound of glass bottles and medical equipment coming from the drawers as he opened and closed them roughly.

Once he found the vial, he picked it along with a syringe. Ela looked at him as he loaded the injection. She didn't understand what he was up to but as he started walking towards her she panicked. She took a few steps back. Shomak closed the distance between them, held her arm and brought the syringe close to her skin. "What are you doing?" Ela shrieked.

"Ever heard of the truth drug? This drug is used by jurisdiction authorities to make criminals confess. So either you start explaining or I will make you explain," Shomak said holding the syringe only an inch away from pushing into Ela's arm.

Why? Why would she explain to you Shomak? Who are you to her?

Shomak's mind questioned. Of course, he was just a stranger. Though he was trying to help, it doesn't mean she will let go all her worries and start speaking so soon. A woman stuck in such a bizarre situation needed time to open up but in his defense he wanted to believe he had given her enough time. Was it really the case? Just two days after meeting her he expected explanations?

It wasn't him, that's not how he behaved in serious situations, he was extremely patient and always analysed before taking any step.

In her case, there was a strange urgency running through him that made him commit these irrational acts. He wasn't proud of doing it but circumstances demanded harsh steps. He wanted her to speak and fear was the only working mode he could think of at the time.

His mind was giving him constant reminders that she was already frightened, broken and traumatised. His act might be an additional burden to her. But he was desperate. Desperate to make her strong enough that she gathers the courage to speak everything without any hesitation.

At first, Ela was surprised to see his behaviour but one demon was enough to make her suffer. She refused to succumb to another source of torture. She respected him, trusted him and thought he would believe but he too behaved like every other person to whom Ela begged for help.

"Go on, do it," she said becoming stiff under his hold. "I do not know whether I'll say everything or not but whatever you will hear will be unbearable for you. I warn you it's not for the faint-hearted," Ela shivered in rage. No pain was compared to what she felt now after losing Shomak's trust.

Shomak looked in her eyes, a mixture of fury and hurt was evident but she refused to bend. This was the side of Ela he wanted to see. He knew there was a fighter inside her, which needed a little provoking. He searched for that girl whose one photograph made him mad enough to take up such a project.

He smiled, broke the needle and threw the injection in the dustbin.

"I never had any interest in paranormal activities and neither I wanted to do a project on the subject of horror. But when I saw your picture, I was intrigued. My father's production house has never worked in with the horror genre, it seemed like a golden opportunity for me. Still I debated whether or not to do this. It was after I met you I understood, there was no turning back. You were not the Ela I saw in that picture. Something had shadowed the real you," Shomak took out his phone and showed her the picture.

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now