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Shomak was not among those who pretended not to believe in ghosts or considered supernatural and paranormal happenings as comic relief or a mere adrenalin rush, but his belief was not very strong as he didn't come across a reason or proof to validate it. Still, he never doubted the existence. Of course, before delving deeper into the project he would first chalk out a plan to validate the theory. Hence, for the time being, he didn't want to blindly believe Ela's every word. 

However, there was not a single sign of lie on Ela's face. He saw her terrified expression and a very scared form while narrating the event.  Either she was a very good actress or his skills of reading expressions needed serious brushing. Now, documentaries worked only on real facts and truth; he needed strong evidence and shots to support whatever Ela said. He didn't doubt her, otherwise, he would have never wanted to explore the subject, but truth only becomes a fact when supported by strong proves. As far as paranormal happenings were concerned, was it really possible to document the type of incident Ela just shared? 

Sweat appeared on his forehead, he suddenly felt disturbed. Ela's terrified state was making him worried. He didn't know what to ask her next. All his planned questions were completely jumbled inside his mind. 

Keeping the trail of the conversation Shomak finally managed to voice his doubt. "But how is it possible?" Shomak asked. 

"At that moment, I didn't have any idea. But that's what we all had seen. It was for a few seconds and again the lights came up. After that nothing was there. Oishi was lying on the ground holding that coin, which I later understood, was smeared in blood."

"The bruise on her hand? Did she get that on the same night?" Shomak remembered the mark he had seen on Oishi's hand in the morning. 

"Yes. Once Oishi woke up the next day I asked her about the bruise. She said she had felt a very strong grip on her hand making her turn and then she only saw that pair of eyes and then she fainted."

"Do you think it was some animal attack and the other parts you hallucinated?" he knew the question was completely wrong and illogical but he hated these kinds of unexplained things.

"Four of us cannot hallucinate the same thing!"

Ela looked disheartened, tears started to form at the corners of her eyes. "You might or might not believe in what I said but do you think the torture of every night can be a hallucination even after it leaves a mark?"

"What mark?"

Ela gulped, her breathing became fast and she hesitated. She shouldn't have said that but when she saw a doubt appearing in his eyes she couldn't stop herself. 

"What mark, Ela?" Shomak asked again understanding that she had not decided to talk about that part and only said by accident.

She was not sure whether to tell him each and everything was the right decision or not. What if by involving him she was putting his life in danger? Had her desperation reached to such an extent that she didn't even care about the other person's safety? What if dragging him might endanger his life as well? Ela's head started spinning with all those thoughts when he heard Shomak's angry voice. 

"I asked you a question Ela, what mark did you mention?" Shomak never raised his voice while working. He was always very patient then why Ela's accidental revelation bothered him so much?

Ela took a long breath. She herself started the topic, now there was no use of hiding. So, without looking up at him she held the neckline of her dress and started pulling it down slowly. 

Shomak didn't understand what she was up to. 

She pulled the neckline further, bared her shoulder and started crying. 

Sun, Moon & Stars Volume I Horror Of The MuskWhere stories live. Discover now