Takes 2 to Tango-The end

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Chapter 34

A few months later.

"Adam stop it!" I giggle.

"I'm not doing anything." He smirks.

"Really? I must be imagining someone tickling me then." I roll my eyes.

He kisses my cheeck.

We are in Scar's room. It's about time that we finished watching all the Harry Potter series. It took bloody ages to explain to Ryan what's going on but he got it in the end.

So let me fill you in with what has happened...

Adam and I are planning to buy a new house to move into.Ryan and Scar are happy but still argue like little children. Ellie is dating Cody. No suprise there. Nate's still a dickhead but he is amazing at hosting parties I have to admit. Nico and I spoke a few times here and there. He says he will be going back to England to visit his parents and last but not least, Sebastian. I went to visit him. His brother looks exactly the same but with more facial hair and no tatoos. The house is massive! Seb's nephew is adorable They were all very nice and the main thing was that he was happy, I'm happy, we all are happy.

"So have you guys frickle frackled?" I smirk, stealing some popcorn from Adam.

"No..." Scar blushes.

"Yes we have, on the first day actually." Ryan grins, like he's won a trophy.

"He's lying." She glares at him, the blush evident on her cheecks.

Obviously they have! I know that but Flo Reed loves taking the piss out of them.

"I'm not lying, shall I refresh your memory and tell everyone?" He says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"NO! Shut up Ryan." She picks up her shoe, warning him.

"It takes 2 to tango babyy!" He winks.

We all burst out laughing.

Omg we have come to an end guys!

I hope you all liked this story. I'm sorry if you expected more.

I will be writing another story but I don't guarantee when. Follow me and when I do upload this book, it will come up.
It will be called the boy next door so stay tuned if you are interested :*

Thank you to everyone who have praised this book because thats the only reason why I carried on writing this story.

Mwah :*

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