Takes 2 to Tango- What a day...

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Chapter 16

Today I had no choice but to attend class. Firstly, I only was aloud a day off and second, Scar will bitch at me. Trust me I've had enough of that lately. I also wanted to ask Scar how her date with 'Mr hot guy' went.

I took my time getting out of bed and I just sat there. Yep, sat there with my eyes closed. I guess I wasn't ready to wake up but then again when am I ever?! 

Adam was in a deep slumber. Why is it that boys look so sexy in the morning and girls look like they came out of the walking dead?

I walked over to my bag and got out a permanent marker pen. I slowly crept onto Adam's bed and giggled to my self. Call it immature but I drew a penis on his forehead.

Boy will he be pissed when he finds out...

I got ready in the space of 10 minutes and then decided to wake Adam up.

So I jump on him and he grunts beneath me.

"What the fuck..." He growls.

Wait till he finds the penis on his head...the dickhead. HA get it? ok I know I'm not funny.

"You're running late." I show the time on my phone making his eyes squint.

"Shit." He stretches, making me fall off the bed, onto my butt.


As I enter Lincolm University, everyone is staring at me. Literally, every pair of fucking eyeballs are staring at me. I'm not even the new chick any more!

I try to ignore most of the stares but one particular group of girls start whispering amongst each other and laugh.

"What's your fucking problem?" I ask.

"N-nothing." A girl with short blonde hair replies.

"Clearly you do have a fucking problem." I raise my eyebrow.

"That's enough now." Scar grabs my arm and drags me away.

"Dude I wasn't going to hit her."

"That's what it looked like." Scar said.

"Why are they all staring at me, fucking hell i've only had a day off."

"Ignore them, I'll see you later." She walked off just as the bell rang.

When I walked into homeroom, the class went silent.

Mrs Simmonds smiled at me and asked if I'm okay to which I replied yes.

When i sat down Nate walked towards me and took the seat next to me.

Oh fuck sake.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Hm nothing." He smirked.

"What the fuck do you want Nate?"

"Jeez, what period can do." He shook his head.

"What?" i asked.

"Flo, how can you leave me with these idiots!" He mimicked in a girly voice.

"You didn't come school because you're on your period, you are such a wimp Flora!" He said in a deep voice.

What? Scar and Ryan said that to me on the phone yesterday but how..

"The whole canteen pretty much heard them." He grinned, reading my mind.

Wait, so that's why I'm getting the stares!

Wait till I get them two little fuckers.


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