Takes 2 to Tango- I blame the P

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Chapter 15

It was 6 am. I woke up in the morning to a massive pain around my core area. When i went to the bathroom, i then found out why. My cherry has popped. I was on my period. Fuck this, back to bed.

My day will turn out like this: I would stay in bed and eat, eat and oh...eat. The horrid cramps and the constant  stomache pains are a pain in the fucking ass! Girls you feel me?

Period is a bitch however, one thing good came out of it... I miss a day of college! I had to call up and tell them why i wasn't coming. The women who i was talking to on the phone was such a bitch! "Everybody gets pains, doesn't mean you can't attend class." bla bla bla. I managed to get a day off only but ah well! I also sent a text message to Adam so when he wakes up, he wouldn't wake me up by smacking a pillow on my head or splashing cold water on my face!

It was 10am so i jumped out of bed a bit too fast. Niagra falls down there. I lazily walk towards the kitchen and pull out a tub of chocolate chip icecream plus a hot water bottle. I switched the kettle on and just then my phone rang.

"Hey Scar." I said, rubbing my poor stomache thats in pain.

"Don't hey me, why didn't you come to school missy? You left me with these two twats!"

I laughed because i heard Ryan cussing back at Scar. Typical Ryan.

"I'm dying from period pains." I told her, getting a spoon out of the drawer. Icecream for breakfast but so what. When a girls on her period no questions should be asked related to food. A tip for some boys out there. A girl turns into a monster when she's on her period, she will eat anything she wants to when she wants to.

"So you didn't come to school because of period pains? What a loser." Ryan laughed and Scar shouting, "Give me the phone you dick." in the background.

"Want me to chop your dick off and feed you it? Then you'll know what pain feels like."

"No way i need my penis for many reasons thank you very much, you should know why." I knew Ryan was smirking just after he said that.

"Fuck sake, now you know why i need you Flo." Scar complained. I could hear Adam laughing in the background.

"I'm sorry baby, oh you're going on a date tonight oo lala, are you excited?" I grinned, filling the bottle with kettle water and taking it to my bed along with the icecream.
Can't forget the icecream.

"Excited? More like nervous!" She shrieked.

"What will he think of me? I'm soo scared."

"Well he'll think you're sexy, you're fun, you're an amazing and most generous he has person ever met." I told her, taking big bites of the icecream and placing the hot water bottle on my stomache.

"You are obviously going to say that, you're my bestfriend!"

"It's true!" 

She laughed. "Oh i do love you, anyway the bell just went i'll talk to you later, mwahh."

"Bye, love you." I smiled.

"One more thing." Scar said.


"Adam has been ignoring Ellie all day today."

"Why are you telling me?" I asked even though i felt happy to hear that.

"Hm just."

"Wierdo ok bye get to class before you're late."

"Ok, love you."

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