Takes 2 to Tango- A night to remember

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Chapter 6

We've been driving for god knows how long and i am still extremly stunned by what had just happened.

I mean what kind of person would drive off with a stranger like that?!

You, Flo!!

When we did finally stop, i realised we were ouside a barn.

What the hell...

Sebastian jumped off the motorbike and headed towards the barn. It was dark so i couldn't see what he was doing unless i went near him.

"Hey Toby." Sebastian smiled.

He was stroking a brown horse and smiling up at it.

Strangely enough, the horse looked very happy to see Sebastian as well.

"I come here alot, this is like my home. " Sebastian turned around and looked at me.

"I'm a street kid Flo."

This caught me off guard. Sebastian sat on a bunch of hay, tapping the hay beside him for me to sit.

I sat next to him and there was a minute of silence.

"My mother married a man named Steve. He would make my mom smile and not one guy could do that since my father left us. Me and my big brother Jason were happy for her. I was 12 and my brother way 16. A couple of months later on my 13th birthday, things started to change. My mom found out he had been living two lives. He had a wife and three daughters. He became soo angry towards my mom because she had found out, that he threw an iron board at her and slapped her. It all started from there. Whenever my brother and i begged my mom to go to the cops, she wouldn't. She said she loved him. Jason called the cops once but my mom blatantly lied to the cops about how she got the bruises. She said not to call the cops ever again and if we did she would leave us. I knew that my mom loved us, but sometimes it felt like she loved that monster more than her own children. When my brother Jason was 18 he ran away. After Jason left, my stepfather thought my mom told him to run away so he could ask for help or tell somebody was was happening. He started to abuse me aswell. He'd lock me in my room so i didn't runaway like Jason did. I hated Jason for causing more problems, for being so selfish. One time i was at school and i got a phone call home saying that my mom was in hospital. You should have seen her... she didn't look like my mom. She looked like a lifeless beaten up woman who wanted to shout for help but couldn't catch her words.That monster beat my mom so bad that she was stuck to a life machine for months. My stepfather went to prison but my mom passed away a few days later. I was 16 when she passed away. I keep thinking i should have done something but she wouldn't let me. She said she was in love and happy and i believed her because i was just a kid. After that, i got in contact with my father whom i hadn't seen for years. When he found out that my mom died and how she died all he said was, "She was never going to find a better man like me." I stayed with him for 2 years. He'd always have men coming in the house and they'd be all smoking or drinking together. The only thing he would talk to me about would be how my mom was a waste of space or how usless and pathetic she was. I left the house because i couldn't take it anymore. I didn't want to see him come home with a bottle in his hand, drunk out of his head. I didn't want to hear how worthless my mom was or how usless i was going to turn out. I knew he wouldn't care if i leave. I had no where to go so i would just sleep anywhere i could. The guys that were chasing us know my father. They don't get on and i guess they hate me because i'm unfortunetly his son. I also want you to know that i didn't kill the man. I shot him in the leg."

I didn't realise that i was crying until Sebastian wiped a tear away from my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

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