Takes 2 to Tango-Jerk Face

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Chapter 2-

I'm stood infront of the most sexiest guy alive! I'm not even joking.

He has light blue eyes, short brown hair with natural blonde highlights, a well defined jaw and cheekbones. His full pink lips looked soo tasty right now...hang on a minute,

he's got a girl clung around his chest with her dress half way up. So that's why the guy has got sloppy lipstick stains all over his face. Gross! A slut and a man-whore...perfect match!

"You deaf? What the fuck are you doing in my room bitch!" He glared at me like i'll dissapear any minute.

Oh he has the nerve to call me a bitch.

I jumped on the bed, laying down with my hands behind my head. Grinning at him. "Well hey there roommate." I got the reaction i expected. Pure anger.

He glared at me so hard that there could be steam coming out of his ears any minute.

"Babe, we'll do this next time, i've got to deal with some- (He looked me up and down) thing." Fucking dickhead."But i want you baby." The fake blonde chick pouted. "Next time, i promise."

He kissed her on the lips and she giggled like a dying horse.Not that i know what one sounds like. I scoffed and crossed my legs acting as if i didn't care but honestly, sharing a room with a guy! Thats also so damn hot it's hard to breath! Even though he's hot Flo he's still a jerk!

I was too busy thinking that i didn't realise we were alone and the blonde bimbo had already gone. There was a moment of silence and i had to break it. Awkward moments are the worst!

"Hey roomy." I grinned like a little girl who's just baught a new doll for her doll house. Judging by the look on his face he didn't give a shit and was extremely mad.

"My roomate is a guy called Reed so what the fuck are you doing in my room?" He stood straight waiting for an answer.

"Reed is my surname, my name is Flo." He just stood there glaring at me. What the hell?! So like usual i break the silence.

"So what's your name?" He creases his eyebrows at me. "Why the fuck shall i tell you?"

"Because i'm your new roommate asshole." I said in a duh tone.

"Did you just call me asshole?" He questioned.

"Yes i did asshole, what are you going to do about it?" I smirked.

Shit i shouldn't have said that because he was walking straight towards me. He leans his head closer to mine. "Say that again bitch."

I can see him more clearly now. Fucking hell he was sex on legs. His blue eyes looked so intimidating.He has the 'messy hair look' going on and he smells so damn good.

Fuck Flo what are you doing?!

He was soo close i could feel his hot breath across my neck. I look down at his lips that were slightly appart. Oh how i want to ki... "Have you fallen asleep with your eyes open?" He said.

"Huh what?" Honestly i was soo confused.

"Babe your drooling." I quickly touched my mouth to check.

"No i'm not!" I blushed looking anywhere but him.

"Wow if you wanted me that bad you could have just said." He smirked and headed out the room leaving me completely astonished.


So half an hour has gone since jerk face left and i've been stood here trying to turn on the tv and immensly failing. The main reason why i wanted to turn the tv on was to see if hollyoaks was on. I'm soo behind, i need to catch up!

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