Takes 2 to Tango-Too far Jerkface

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Chapter 4

Holy shinitzels it's only 4:30 in the morning!!

Groaning i decide to take a quick shower because i know i definetly wont fall asleep again!

To be honest i'm quite suprised! Normally the alarm clock would wake me up or aunt Sue's loud infuriating voice would wake me up!

This time i'm going to take my clothes in with me.

I definetly don't want to repeat last night!

Are you sure about that?

Shut up you!

But i know you loved it.


Call me wierd but i have short conversations with myself sometimes.

After having a quick warm shower using Adam's shampoo and body wash ofcourse, I blow dry my hair,straighten it then tie it up in a high pony tail and head towards the kitchen.

I know Adam warned me about using his things but to be honest i don't really give a shit.

I'm not a girl to follow the rules. Beside's i can't help it, it smells so damn good!

Today i decided to wear something where i wouldn't boil to death.

I wore a white plain vest top along with a dark green army jacket on top, my black ripped jean shorts and my black studed combat boots.

I applied abit of mascara onto my eye and a touch of lipbalm.

After finishing my cereal and watching a bit of the big bang theory, i checked the time on my phone and realise i had around five minutes before Scar came over.

Just then, the most amazing idea came in mind!

Going into the kitchen i grabbed a jug filled with cold water.

Giggling to myself i walk over to where Adam is fast asleep.

He looks so adorable! His hair was in a big messy bundle, it looked so soft that i was tempting to put my fingers through them and feel it. He had one arm under his pillow and the duvet was just below his waist so i didn't waste time to admire his mouth-watering sexy 8 pack!

He was taking slow light breaths,   his lips slightly apart.

Aw he looks so damn cute and innocent...Innocent my ass!

Holy mackaroni with cheese on toast, what an earth am i doing?!

Before i change my mind i splash the jug full of water all over his beautiful face.

"What the fuck!" He automatically jumps up and rubs his eyes.

When he looks up he glares at me with venom in his eyes. He actually looked quite scary.

Maybe not so beautiful face.

"What the fuck is your problem you bitch?!" He barks at me in a raspy voice. 

"Good morning sunshine, you really should get up darling or you'll be late for class." I grin trying my best not to laugh at his reaction.

I walk out the door with a huge smile on my face.

In your face asshole!

"Well don't you look excited to start you first day at college!" Scar grins.


Oh she has no idea...


We came early to Uni(college) mainly because Scar could show me around so i don't happen to get lost.

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