Takes 2 to Tango- Confused

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Chapter 25

I went straight to Scar's room and into bed. Scar did ask me if I wanted to talk about it, however, I wasn't in the mood. Scar understood that. Today was just not the day to smile and have a laugh. After god knows how long, I fell into a deep slumber.


The next morning when I got ready for College, I was dreading it. Today I will have to stay after class due to the 'fight' yesterday. I was going to act like nothing bothered me even though it did. I was good at hiding my emotions but yesterday proved me wrong.

When I walked into homeroom, I sat at the back as usual and plugged my music in. I didn't realise I was day dreaming until Seb clicked his fingers and I jumped.

"Hey you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, you?" I asked.


"Hey, you look better." I looked at the bruised eye.

"So I never looked good before?" He make a shocking face.

"I don't mean that!" I nudge his arm.

"I know, I'm kidding." He winked.

Just then Adam walked in. I didn't meet his gaze. I didn't want to. I'll be seeing alot of him and theres nothing I can do.


At break Adam wasn't there and I never asked like I usually would. Ryan was oblivious about everything. I wish I lived his life right now.

At lunch It was the same. Me, Ryan and Scar. Scar would complain about how we always stay in the canteen and how she really could do with a tan but Ryan needs his food.

"Well that's strange." Ryan raises his eyebrow.

Me and Scar look over to where he's looking at and boy it was strange alright.

Adam and Sebastian were smiling and talking as if they were friends. They even shook hands before they parted. What the fuck...


All I was doing last lesson, was glaring at the clock waiting for the bell to go. I had to talk to Sebastian. How the fuck can he act so normal when Adam punched him!

When the bell did go I walked out and into the car park where Sebastians motorbike was parked. He was just about to put his helmet on.

"Sebastian." I shout.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah yeah, erm I'm fine it's just, well I was wondering what Adam said to you at lunch."

Seb smirked. "Someone's nosey."

My cheecks heated up.

"No i was just-

"I'm kidding Flo. We just talked and now we're cool with each other." He shrugged.

"How can you be cool with him so easily?" I furrowed my brows.

"We just learnt to forgive, something you should do pet." He tapped the tip of my nose.

I rolled my eyes. I went back inside because I had fucking detention for a week!

There was a note on the principals door that says 'Adam, Flo and Ellie, gym office for detention after school'

When I walked into the gym office, it went quiet and all eyes were on me.

"Why are you late?" Mrs Reynolds asks.

She's a bitch.


"Do you know what the time is?" she interrupted.

"Yeah but-

"Or can't you read the time?" She interrupted again.

"If you knew how to shut your mouth and let others have a chance to speak, then maybe I can answer your 50 billion questions."

Adam was slouched in his chair with his legs stretched whilst Ellie was sitting with her legs crossed and arms folded.

"How dare you speak to me like that! You walk in late and now you disrespect your elders!"

"Age is just a number." I shrugg.

She was fuming.

"OMG, can we just get this over with." Ellie rolls her eyes, looking at her nails.

"Fine. I want all of you to start in the boys lost property closet and sort out all the shorts, tops and tracksuits."


Ellie  was picking a top up in disgust. I rolled my eyes.

I picked the basket full of tracksuits and when I turned around I bumped into Adam. Looking at him makes me think of how i cried infront of him. I moved to the right but he blocked me. I moved to the left and he blocked my way again.

"Flo, look at me." He said in a soft tone.

I ignored him and kept my eyes on the floor.

"Flo please." He tilted my chin up with his thumb and index finger.

I looked at him. Why does this boy make me feel like shit sometimes but then like I'm the only girl in the world? Why can't I stay mad at him for so long!!

"I'm sorry. I know sorry isn't enough for you but I am sorry. Flo...I miss you." He said in a hoarse voice.

I tried to look away but he cupped of my cheeks in his palm. My heart was beating so fast. He touches me and I get the feels. What the fuck?

"I'm happy for you and Sebastian."

I furrowed my brows.

"I wouldn't have hurt him if I knew how much he meant to you."

Did he really mean that?


He looked at me like he'd never heard me speak before.

"You and Sebastian? He told me you were dating and know matter how much I dislike him, I know he'll keep you happy. I just want you back." He smiled.

I was so fucking confused! Me and Sebastian? Why would he lie and make such a thing up!

I moved Adam's hand away from my face and backed away. Ellie was looking at us stunned. I couldn't cope with this. I had to get out. I ran out of the College building and called Sebastian.

"Hey princess." 

"Pick me up, I need to talk to you."

Important message: I want to write a new book! I will still carry on with Takes 2 to tango. I need Your Help to choose a Boy and a Girl name (Main characters). Comment below and I will choose the best ones :)

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