Takes 2 to Tango-What the hell just happened?!

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Chapter 3-

"So how's it like in England?" Ryan asked munching on a bag of crisps.

"Hmm it's alright. I shrugged.

What was i supposed to say?

That living with my aunt Sue was like living in hell?

I was only 16 at the time so i couldn't rent my own flat or else i would have without a second thought!

That most people only wanted to become friends with me because they felt sorry for me?

At one point i cut the world out.

To me it felt like the right thing to do.

I even ended my relationship with Drake.

I would abandon my self from everybody because the two people that i love the most have gone.

What was the point in life.

My baby brother, who i remember carrying in my arms kissing his tiny little fingers, is gone. My little Jacob.

The main reason why i wanted to start a new life was because i realised you have to move on in life, be strong and let no one bring you down.

That's what my parents would want.

"Hunny, your father and i aren't always going to be there if times do get rough so don't be afraid to love and find someone who you believe will take care of you and love you as much as we do my dear."

My mum said this to me on my 16th bithday and i will never forget. Two days before she left me.

"What are you day dreaming about?"

Scar asked, grabbing Ryan's bag of crisps and munching on them.

"Oy you theif!" Ryan pouted.

Currently we were in Scarlett's room sitting on the couch like lazy monkeys.

I would catch Adam staring at me every minute like he's trying to figure something out.

"Pass me the remote." Ryan whined.

"My room, my rules and i said No!"

Ryan jumped on top of Scar squashing her.

"Get off me you fat pig." Scar shouted.

"It's all muscle baby." Ryan smirked trying to get the remote off her which she hid in her bra.

Clever girl.

"Are you two dating by any chance?"

This made both of them jump apart and glare at me.

"NO!" They both shout. I grinned at them.

Well atleast they stopped bickering.

At one point i caught Adam laugh.

So the jerk does laugh.

Scar was blushing looking down at her feet by my assumption.

Ryan was scratching the back of his head.

"Right, i'm off it was a good day...would have been alot better without her." Adam looked at me.

Well more like glared.

"Is that supposed to hurt me you dickhead because it didn't work" I scoffed causing Adam to glare at me hard.

"Bro you just got told." Ryan snorted.

Adam looked his way and Ryan quickly shutup.

"Ew gross Ryan did you just snort?" Scar made a digusted face at him.

"Why are you going anyway? it's only 8:30 bro." Ryan asked.

"I'm just really tired." Adam replied.

"Bro if your going to bang Ellie just say it."


After Adam left we decided to watch a movie.

"We are not watching a horror movie Ryan so do not mention it." Scar warned Ryan.

"Okay miss cry baby we'll watch a romance movie."

"Aww really?!" Scar exclaimed.

"Aww...no." Ryan replied with less enthusiasm.

"Guys, who's Ellie?" I asked curious.

"The slut in the canteen earlier." Scar said, looking through a bunch of cd's.

Oh the blonde bimbo.

"Why babe you jelous?" Ryan asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Err no! I hate him!"

"Hate turns into love baby." Ryan smirked.

"Like you and Scar then?"

That got him to shut up!


It's 11 o'clock and we all headed towards our room after watching Harry potter and the philosopher's stone.

They told me they've never watched it and i nearly fainted!

I told them they had to watch every single harry potter movie there is or else i won't be their friends and i'd find someone else to hang out with.

Childish i know, but it's got to be done!

I enter my room and see no sign of Adam.

He probably did go to bang Ellie.

I'm actually glad because i have time to myself.

I decide to take a quick shower before i get into bed.

After washing my hair and body throughly with Adam's products, (Wont hurt if he doesn't find out) I wrapped the towel around my body and headed back in the room.

I look up and gasp, holding onto the towel tight.

Adam was infront of me about to take off his pants. His bare back was facing me.

He heard me and turned around.

Holy shit! Is that an eight pack?!

My eyes were glued to his body. i feel like rubbing my hands all over his body right now.

Realising what i'm doing i look up to see if he noticed but he was too busy looking at me.

My chest more like.

He gulped and slowly met my eyes.

We were both dead silent and i didn't even break the silence this time. Guess i was just lost for words.

"I knew you wanted me." He smirked.

I finally found my words and replied.

"You wrong, i know you want me babe." I looked down at my chest and smirked at him.

He took big steps my way and i took steps back until my back hit the wall.

Putting his hands on either side of my face he leaned in so our faces were inches apart.

"Everytime i come near you, you bite your lips did you know?"


I bit my lip.


He trailed his finger up my bare leg and i shivered. He placed his fingers on my collar bone and gently kissed it.

He trailed kisses up my neck and i moved my head to the side biting my lip trying hard not to moan.

He stopped and whispered in my ear, "next time don't use my shampoo and body wash."

Grabbing the towel from the chair he walked into the bathroom.

What the hell just happened!!

Ok, i'm finally getting the hang of this! I hope you like this chapter as well as the others. Please vote, follow and comment so i know what you think!

Thank you x

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