Takes 2 to Tango- Tears.

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Chapter 23

All four of us were sitting at the principals office. Seb, me, Adam and Ellie.

"So what happened?" The baldy asked.

Nobody spoke.

"Someone speak right now or you are all suspended!"

"That cow punched me!" Ellie shrieked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Is this true?" The teacher asked.

"Yup." I answered, popping the P at the end.

I could see Adam staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

He was not going to affect me.

"What about you two?" He asked Adam and Sebastian.

"I punched him first sir." Adam answered.

That won't make anything better.

"Is this true?" He asked Seb.

"Yes sir."

After a pause the teacher finally spoke.

"Since you are new to this college, I will let you off Sebastian. However, you three know the rules very well therefore, a week detention for the three of you."

"But it's her fault!" Ellie whines.

"No buts!" He shouts.

The bell rings claiming its end of school. Thank fuck for that!

As we head out of the principal office, I catch up with Seb.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. He had a busted lip and a bruise on his left eye.

"Yes, I can handle stuff like this." He shrugged.

"This isn't right." I shake my head.

"Flo it's ok-

"No it's not, he had no right to hit you like that."

Seb hugged me and we stood there embracing each other.

"You want a ride?" He asked.

"What? on your motorbike...No way."

"Oh c'mon, I practically kidnapped you once with that."

I shook my head. "Fine."


Did I want to face Adam?


Do I have to?

At one point, yes.

But not now.

I walked towards Scar's room and didn't bother knocking on the door. Cody and Scar were sitting down watching t.v.

"Oh i'll go." I turned around.

"No no, Cody was just going, I'll see you later babe." She kissed him and he smiled at me before he walked out.

"Come sit down." I followed her towards the couch.

"Are you okay Flo?" Scar creased her eyebrows.

"Yeah- yeah why wouldn't I be."

I laughed.

Scar came and sat closer to me. She put my hands into her own.

"Flo, sometimes it feels better to let it all out."

That was it. I was crying. The last time I cried like this was when my parents and  baby brother died. Scar hugged me and I cried on her shoulders. I cried and cried and cried.

After a few long minutes I pulled apart and took a deep breath.

"Gosh I am so stupid." I shake my head and laugh.

"No you are no where near stupid." Scar wipes a tear from my face.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

I shake my head.

"Okay, you can tell me when you're ready."


I don't know what I'd do without Scar. We ate, we laughed, we watched movies and she filled me in with her relationship with Cody. She seemed genuinly happy. She helped me forget about everything but I knew I was going to face everything soon.

"You can stay over at mine tonight?" She suggest.

I smiled. "I'll just go get my things."


When I walked in the lights we turned off. When I switched them on Adam was sitting in the dark. He looked up as soon as the lights switched on. Not looking his way, I walked straight towards my things.


His voice. My heart was beating so fast.

Ignore him Flo.


I ignored him, grabbing my clothes.

"Flo." He growls, holding my wrist and spinning me around.

He looks at me and when I look at him, his eyes soften.

"Flo..." He moves a strand of hair behind my ear.

I pull back and look down.

"You've been crying." He whispers.


"Don't lie!" He shouts, making me jump.

"I'm sorry."

"Where are you going?" He looks at the bag on the floor.

I ignore him and make my way towards the bathroom. Grabbing my tooth brush I walk into the room again.

"What's wrong?" He asks confused.

Continuing to ignore him, I grab my bag and put it on my shoulder.


"What's wrong?!" I spin around.

"You want to nnow what's wrong? You! Ever since you came into my life, everything changed. You act like this big macho guy who has got everything and everyone wrapped around his little finger but you're wrong! You hurt Sebastian because you believed what that bitch said? Does she mean so much to you?  It's not like I care, you know what I don't. I've had enough. You're a cold hearted, arrogant jerk I have ever met. You know what the only good thing in your life is? Milly."

By now tears were spilling down my face but I didn't care. Like I say, aint nobody got time time to look glamorous. I look at him one more time.

"I hate you Adam hunter. I. fucking.hate you.

Wow Omg another chapter :o

It's currently half 3 in the morning and i'm writing this just for you guys :*


Thank you my lovelies.

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