Takes 2 to Tango- A couple?

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Chapter 28

I knock on the door. No response. I knock on the door again. Still, no response.

Taking a deep breath, I take my keys out and open the door.

Adam was sitting on the bed with his elbows resting on his knees. I couldn't see his face because he was looking down.

"Adam." I spoke, in a quiet tone.

He quickly met my gaze and stood up turning around with his back facing me.

"Flo, I'm sorry. I honestly don't know why I said that.God Flo, I'm so fucking stupid lets just forget about it."

A smile appeared on my face.

"So we just forget about it?" I asked, my tone goes higher towards the end.

I quietly took my jumper off.

"Yes I'm so stupid." He said, still not facing me.

"Fine too bad." I shrugged.

He turnrd around.

"Wait what does that-

He stopped speaking when he realised I was in my bra.

"So you don't love me? That's a shame." I cross my arms making my breasts stand out.

"Wh-what?" He looked at me in shock.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I mean theres no point telling you that I love you." I shrugg, picking up my jumper.

Adam takes the jumper from me and pushes me against the wall.

"What did you just say?" He commands. His voice doesn't help my overies from going crazy.

"Oh you know, that i'm in love with a jerk." I smirk.

"Say that again." He whispers, lightly touching my cheek, moving a hair out of my face.

"I'm in love with you Adam."

The next thing you know, Adams lips are attached to mine. Kissing him makes me feel alive. Cringy as that sounds.

He pulls apart for a split second.

"I fucking love you Flo...so bad."

He growls, kissing me again and picking me up towards the bed.


When I woke up to find Adam next to me, I smiled. I just lay there repeating last night in my head over and over. My phone beeps so I check the message.

Bitch where are you.-Scar

I look at the time and jump up.

Holy shit! I'm an hour late for class.

I jump on Adam and he grunts.

"Get the fuck up;We're late!!"

I run to the bathroom and get ready in about 10 minutes. Adam's gets up by the time i'm done.

"Cya later." I rapidly grab my bag.

"Hey you're missing something." He pouts.

I walk upto him and kiss him.

"Now get ready dipshit." I throw a pillow at him, laughing.

What does this make us?


By the time I reach College it is break. I wasn't really bothered because I only missed English. When I walked into the canteen and caught a glimpse of Scar's red hair, I made my way towards her. However, There wasn't a blonde boy sitting with her as usual, instead, it was a brown haired boy.

It was cody.

"Hey where the hell have you been!" Scar hugs me.

"I woke up late."

"Are you guys ok?" She asks.

She was talking about Adam and me.

"Yup all good."

She made the 'you have tell me all about it' face and I rolled my eyes.

"So Cody's moved College." Scar cheered.

"Oh hi." I half smiled.

I know i'm such a fool but It's just awkward.

"Hey Flo." He grinned.

"Um wheres Ryan?" I asked.

"I don't know." She shrugged, her face changing colour.


Adam arrived to College at lunch because he took a quick trip to visit his sister. When he did arrive his reaction was the exact same as mine. Confusion. I guess i'm not the only one wierd with this whole Cody thing. We were sitting outside today. I guess because Ryan wasn't here eating as usual.

"Hey." Adam sat down on the bench next to me. Kissing my cheeck. I blushed.

Everyone outside were staring at us probably confused but Scar was grinning like mad.

"Adam are you sure about this?" I ask uneasy.

"Yup, you're mine now." He smirked, putting his arm around me.

I shook my head. I guess I am his now and Ellie can't do anything about it. I thought to my self looking at Ellie giving me the death glares.

Nate walks out with his friends. Dribbling a basket ball in his hands. Ryan was there as well. He smiled at me and Adam but looked away soom after.

After College, we still had detention so me and Adam walked hand in hand. Nico walked passed and glanced at our hands. Adam held me tighter.

"Hey Flo." Nico smiles.

"Hey Nico." I say back.

He walks passed us.

"He has feelings for you." Adam says.

"Yeah well I don't okay." I tell him.

"Okay my love." He says in a british accent.

We did the same thing. Sorting out clothes but this time the girls clothes. Most of the time me and Adam were making out and Ellie was scoffing at the back. Life was great at that moment.

What do you think? :p

Would mean alot! :*

Thank you for reading :)

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