Takes 2 to Tango- Disaster?

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Chapter 13

Me and Adam are not talking.

If he wants to act like an asshole then so be it.

I wore a white New York vest top with sparkly purple shorts and my black heels.

I was going with Ryan because Scar couldn't make it.

Someone knocked on the door assuming it was Ryan, I opened it.

Boy was I wrong, it was the one and only queen slut.

"Erm wheres Adam?" She asked twirling her hair.

Fake nails make me cringe. I mean if they are decent length fake nails then ok but the one Ellie has on? Ew. It's like witch nails.

Adam came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Grr, sexy." Ellie said, clawing with her long ass nails.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my jacket and keys before heading out.


I was in Scar's room helping her with her hair. Honestly, she looked absolutely gorgeous!

She wore a boob tubed royal blue dress that flowed carelessly down on the floor. Her hair was curled and fell over her bare shoulder. She wore a flower headband on top. I swear she looked like a disney princess!

"Babe you look soo hot! Have fun." I told her.

She hugged me and smiled. "You too girl, be safe."

I knew what she meant by 'be safe.'

I rolled my eyes. "Of course i will."

"You ready?" Ryan called out, entering Scar's room.

"Dude, I was ready before you and you're a boy." I kissed Scar on the cheeck and headed out.


Ryan played some music in the car which was fine but not when it's loud enough to pop your ear drum!

I turned the volume down.

"Aw why did you do that!" He whined.

"Because you'd have to take me to a&e before we even get to the damn party."

He laughed. "So Flo what's going on between you and Adam." He asked, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Absolutely nothing." I said, replying to Scar's text about how there was a hot guy winking at her.

I miss her already.

"Really? because he's acting strange recently."

"He's the same to me." I simply said.

"So Flo, you're telling me you guys haven't even had sex?"

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p' at the end.

"That's crazy, if you was my roomate it would have been done and dusted by now." He winked.

I smaked him with the Cd case.

"Ryan!" I laughed.

"What it's true! Anyway I don't believe you."

"Fine." I said.

"Fine." He mimicked.

"Hey i don't sound like that!"


Ryan paid for my drink and we sat and drank it.

"You're going to ditch me, now that we're here." I told Ryan.

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