Takes 2 to Tango- A SHOCKER!

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Chapter 29

It's been a couple of days since Cody became the new guy at Lincolm University. Most people already knew him from Nate so he didn't really attract alot of the students attention like Sebastian and I did. Lucky twat. Good news is that detention didn't last a week, infact, It only lasted 4 days. I guess they thought they punished us enough.

Today was a saturday and Nate was hosting another Party.

Well his parents must have a lot of dosh.

Today Nates been sending everyone messages that todays theme is red or black and elegant. Now that was strange since Nate never really cared about what they wore as long as theres alcohol.

Adam suggested I wore the long red bodicon dress with a split on the side. He said I looked sexy when I wore that the last time. Which was when I went to Nico's house. HA!

Adam my boy was wearing a tight black shirt that stuck to his abs and dark blue skinny jeans. We are going in as a couple and coming out as a couple. Shit, I have to be careful I don't start grinding on someone that's not Adam. You know how Flo can turn out when she's drunk!

Before we set off, I went to Scars room. She looked gorgeous. She wore a loose white short dress with long silver earings and her hair was curled. She also wore her black heels.

"Wow Scar, you look fucking beautiful." I gushed.

"Thanks, Cody bought me this dress." She blushed.

"He has good taste in clothes! Wasn't the theme red or black?" I asked.

"Is it? I didn't know about this." She shrugged.


Cody was going to take Scar and Adam was going to take me. I didn't see Ryan at all. Adam tried to call him but he wouldn't answer. We assumed he would make it to Nates party since he's a party freak.

When we got there, the party had already started with loud music playing. Instead of Nate approaching us with drinks, Cody approached us.

"Hey guys." Cody smiles, Passing us the drinks.

"Hey, thanks." We replied, taking the drink.

"Um can I talk to Flo for a second?" Cody asks Adam.

"Um...yeah sure." Adam raises his brow.

Adam walks away to talk to some of his friends. I follow Cody to what looks like a study room.

"Okay, what's going on?" I ask, furrowing my brows.

"There's something I need to tell you." He says, tapping onto the drink.

I didn't say anything, waiting for him to carry on.

"Scar is beautiful and caring and the most amazing girl in the world."

"Yes?" I honestly had no idea what he was getting to.

"Today I was the one who chose the theme. With the help from Nate."

Knew it. Nate would never do it.

"Okay Cody, I don't mean to be rude, but what do you really want to tell me?" I drank a bit of vodka.

"Well, I want to propose to Scar."

Ladies and gentleman that was it. Flo was going to die. Someone take her to the hospital because she thinks her ears have exploded.

"What?" I asked, SHOCKED.

"You're her bestfriend, I wanted you to know what I was going to do." He nodded his head.

"Cody... Isn't it a bit too early?" I ask him.

"No no it's the right time." He looks at his watch.

"I best get a move on." He grins, walking out the door.

My brain couldn't handle this. What the FUCK! So many things were going through my mind. Like, Is it too early? Is it the right thing? Is Cody the right person?

The first thing my instinct was telling me to do was find Ryan and tell him. I don't know why but he had a right to know because he cares about her alot. I literally ran out of the study room making my way through the crowd. I need to find him! I was fucking panicking!

He's going to propose any fucking minute!!!

I bumped into Sebastian.

"Seb, now is not the time." I shook my head.

"So you and Adam huh, told you." He smirked.

"Seb just help me look for Ryan."

We both parted looking for Ryan. I saw him walking through the door. He looked happy? How am I supposed to tell him.

"Ryan!" I shout.

He grins and makes his way towards me.

"Ryan there's something you should know." I grab his shoulders.

"Flo...I think I'm in love." He smiles.

My heart literally stopps. If it's who i've always wished it would be then I don't know what to do right now."

"Sounds crazy right? Ryan Baker in love." He shakes his head.

"Ryan listen-

"I have to tell her." He walks away but I grab his arm.

"Ryan who is this girl?"

"My redhead." He grins.

"Ryan wait!" I shout trying to catch up with him.

"Ladies and gentleman can I have your attention." Cody talks with the microphone.

The music stops and all eyes are on Cody.

"Ryan lets go." I whisper, grabbing his arm but he pulls away.

This cannot be fucking happening.

"Can my beautiful girlfriend Scar come to the stage." People start to cheer and Ryan tenses beside me.

"Ryan please." I try to get him out of here but he's not paying attention. his eyes are on Cody.

Cody grabs Scar's hand. She is blushing like crazy.

"Today is a special day because I am going to say something that will depend on my future. Scar, you are the most radiant, beautiful, amibitous and perfect girl I have ever met. Since you walked into my life, my life has became ten times better and I cannot thank you enough. However, I can tell you how much I love you and plan to love you for the rest of my life if you let me. Scarlett Lomax, will you marry me?" He goes on one knee and gets out a small blue box.

Everyone start to cheer and there was a few shocking faces. Scar covers her mouth and her eyes get teary.

"Yes." She nods her head.

Ryan storms out of the room. No one notices the heart broken, funny, goofy and caring blonde boy that's just walked out because the girl he loves is willing to spend her life with someone else. Nobody notices apart from me and Adam. We glance at each other and our eyes read the same thing.

We cannot let this happen.

Omg I have to admit, I like this chapter alot because I can imagine it all so clear.

Hope you guys liked it?


Thanks for reading :)

Mwah :*

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