Dukexiety Week Day 3 || Pirates

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"On this ship, we take prisoners."

Note that all my knowledge of pirates is from the Pirates of the Carribian ride in Disneyland. This is probably super inaccurate lmao.

The title is supposed to be funny? Ish? It's sort of like the 'we take no prisoners' thing? But the opposite? I'll let myself out.

Tw: swearing, good crying, pirates, sword fighting, violence, blood, sexual innuendos, suggestive, Remus(yes, he does need a warning), almost drowning, near death, death mentions

Virgil was still asleep when the shouting started.

He jolted at the sound of yelling and immediately hopped out of his bed, gripping his rapier and shouldering the door open. The full moon shined surprisingly brightly on the huge ship that had pulled alongside the Stormcloud's Honor(yes I know I'm uncreative let's move on). The swishing of ropes could be heard and, milliseconds later, the sharp clash of metal on metal. Out of the corner of his eye, Virgil saw someone swinging from a rope and heard the thump of his boots hitting the deck. Moments later he saw Roman charging at the intruder with a loud battle cry of, "Stay back, fiend!"

Virgil rolled his eyes at his overdramatic friend and whipped his rapier through the air, lashing out at another pirate. The sharp hiss of the blade was second nature to him by now. Assuming his stance, he turned to meet his opponent.

It was a familiar blur, the rush of battle something that Virgil had dealt with his entire life. Feinting and swiping with calculated expertise, he drove his opponent back and forced him to retreat back to the other ship, leaving him only with a few painful slashes on his legs and upper arms. Given a moment to rest, he quickly glanced around and assessed the positions of the rest of his crew.

Roman was, as always, in the thick of things, his bright golden broadsword a mere blur as he slashed at his opponents. Janus was in a corner, facing two enemies with nothing but his two long daggers. Virgil knew he'd be able to hold his ground, so his eyes flicked to Logan on the upper deck. He seemed fine, armed with his bow and sniping the enemy from above.

Virgil didn't get a chance to check on Patton before he heard the telltale clacking of rushed footsteps. He whipped around and raised his rapier to block a swipe from his new opponent. For a moment he caught his eyes and nearly froze.

Holy shit, I'm gay.

This pirate's eyes were the brightest, most vibrant green he had ever seen. They seemed to pierce Virgil's very soul. His cocky grin and mustache only added to the effect.

He snapped out of it, hissing slightly as he slashed his sword to block a swipe from this guy's- was that a Morningstar? He didn't have time to ponder, leaping forward and feinting to the left before swiping at his legs. His opponent jumped out of the way, bringing his Morningstar down on Virgil's head. He barely jumped out of the way on time.

Letting out a growl, he thrusted forward, diving towards his weak spot. Again he avoided the attack, and Virgil's world became a blur of thrusts and feints, slashed and parries, jaunts and stabs.

Until his opponent's eyes went wide and he teetered backwards, letting out a shriek as he toppled over the deck railing and down towards the sea below.

Without thinking, Virgil reached out with his free hand and gripped his former opponent's wrist tightly.

And he was standing there, panting, red-faced, eyes wide, clinging and holding an enemy's wrist for dear life, his grip the only thing preventing him from falling into the deadly sea below.

Dropping his rapier, he gripped his arm with two hands. His limbs straining, he heaved the pirate onto the deck with a loud grunt. The both collapsed, breathing hard, all but exhausted.

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