Day 3: Roceit

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It's really rushed... sorry lol. This took longer because it's a full fic, not just a drabble. Enjoy! And yes, I know I have a lot of touch-starved characters....... idk why it just happened LETS JUST GET INTO IT SHALL WE

TW: censored cussing, snake, touch-starved snek bab, God's name used in vain, Remus being himself

Contrary to popular belief, Remus was the shipper.

After he started dating Logan, he noticed his brother's crush on Deceit. It was quite obvious, really.

So like any good brother would do, he set them up.

The thing was.... he did it in his own unique way. He would lock them in a closet together, but the author's already done that and they need to spice it up. However, he had another plan.

He was snooping through his nerdy boyfriend's room when he found a recipe for a truth serum. And Remus, being himself, conjured it and made it stronger, so that only he had the antidote.

He knew for a fact that Deceit liked Roman. It was easy to spot. Not to others, maybe, but Remus had known Deceit for years. He knew him better than any other side.

He watched Deceit drink the tainted glass of water with no suspicion. Remus made sure to have a camera at the ready.

-Deceit's POV-

Deceit woke up. Immediately, he noticed something different. He didn't know what, but something was off.

He hated it when his heightened, snakelike senses were vague.

Deceit rose out of bed, stretching his arms above his head. His forked tongue flicked out to taste the air in a brief yawn. Opening his closet, he took out his normal gray-purple shirt and black capelet. He took off his Slytherin t-shirt and got dressed.

He grabbed his comb and brushed his hair back, trying to tame his curls before giving up and flipping his hat onto his head. Deceit summoned all of his arms. Usually he just has two, as the other four come and go as they please. They were tricky, not unlike Deceit himself. The three arms on Deceit's left side had scales on them, one almost completely covered in scales.

After pulling on his gloves, Deceit exited the bathroom and went over to the habitat in the corner of his room. Inside there were a few rocks and a bright yellow corn snek about the length of Deceit's arm. Deceit smiled, reaching into the tank to pick him up. He had named it Salazar. The snek wrapped itself loosely around Deceit's arm. Deceit stroked it softly, and it let out a contented purr-like noise.

"Sso pretty," Deceit murmured.

Then he realized what was wrong.

His head snapped up. He went to the bathroom once again. Salazar slithered up his arm and perched on his shoulders.

Deceit faced himself in the mirror, looking himself in the eye. "My name is Remus." He said.

Or tried to say.

When he got to the part where he should say 'Remus', his voice stopped working. His tongue lay limp in his mouth. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make his mouth form the word. Instead, he said, "My name is Deceit."

He tried a different approach. "I'm straight." The words should've fallen out of his mouth like leaves from an oak tree in late autumn.

Instead, he said "I'm gay.". His mouth stubbornly refused to obey him once again.

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