Crap I Wrote At 12 AM(Moceit, Prinxiety, Intrulogical)

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It's currently 11 pm

im gonna write something.
*inhale* reeeeeeeEeEeEEEEEEEEE-

TW: absolutely no plot whatsoever just fluffy kisses and cuddles with several different couples

also censored cussing, implied smut, sexual innuendo, tentacles, and bad writing

Patton groggily opened his eyes, taking a moment to adjust to the brightness of the morning light streaming through his window. The clock read 9:30 am. Patton moved to get up before realizing that he was stuck.

More specifically, being hugged tightly by a certain snek.

Patton turned around, smiling and looking at his boyfriend's face. Deceit was half-asleep, his eyes closed as he blepped. "No..." he murmured sleepily. "Don' leave yet."

Patton giggled, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Dee, we have to get up. Thomas needs us."

"More sleep." Deceit insisted, burying his head into Patton's chest. He wasn't wearing his hat or gloves, just some baggy Slytherin pajamas, and his curly hair was tantalizingly fluffy. Patton ran a hand through his locks.

Deceit squinted up at him, still blepping. He pulled Patton closer, nuzzling his head into the crook of his neck. Patton pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"Love you." Deceit murmured into his chest. Patton grinned, wrapping his arms around the snakelike side. "I love you too."

Roman was awake. It was currently 9:55 am. However, he didn't move to get up. Because sleeping in his arms was a certain adorable emo boy.

He watched Virgil sleep. Not in a creepy way. The anxious side was just adorable, with his purple bangs and his faint freckles and his eyelashes and his lips, which Roman really wanted to kiss but wouldn't for fear of waking him up. He didn't want to ruin this moment. His boyfriend was breathing softly, his breath stirring Roman's hair. Roman pulled him close and hugged him tight, vowing to never let him go, to love him forever as he pressed soft kisses to his forehead.

And of course, the f*cking alarm clock had to ruin the moment. Roman swore under his breath and turned it off with a snap of his fingers, but not in time. Virgil was stirring, and his eyelids fluttered open. He looked up at Roman. "What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"About 10? Ish?" Roman said, pulling Virgil into his embrace.

"Ro... we have to get up..." Virgil muttered, although he returned the hug.

"I'd rather not." Everyone knew how stubborn the prince could be.

Virgil sighed and pressed a sloppy kiss to Roman's mouth. "Fine. Five more minutes."

(they may or may not have spent the next fifteen minutes making out)

Logan's alarm used to ring at 7 am, on the dot, every morning.

However, a couple of weeks ago, Remus had barged into his room, 'yeeted'(Logan mentally congratulated himself on his use of slang) it out the window, and proclaimed that it could go f*ck itself before Remus did it himself. He had then proceeded to throw a grenade out the window after it, then press Logan against the wall and make out with him as a couple of cars he had summoned for plot convenience exploded in the background.

Was it bad that Logan didn't really mind?

His boyfriend was chaotic, yes. Actually, that was a huge understatement. But Logan loved him for it.

Logan's eyes opened slowly. His watch read 10:45 am. He moved to get up, but realized that a tentacle wrapped around his waist was preventing him from moving. He turned around to see a sleepy, shirtless Remus, cuddling up to him. It was then that he realized that he didn't have a shirt on either. Remus wrapped his arms and tentacles around Logan. Logan rolled his eyes and turned around. Remus smirked at him. "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)."

Logan blinked. He almost asked how his boyfriend had said a Lenny Face but thought better of it. Instead he just chastised him. "Remus, we need to get up..."

"Oh, come onnnnnnnnnnn. You know how much you wanna stay here with meee!" Remus smirked, pressing a kiss to Logan's neck.

Logan shivered. "As much as I want to stay, I have to help Thomas."

"Kinky." Remus smirked, pulling Logan closer.

Logan blushed. "Shut up, I'm the top here." He muttered.

"But seriously." Remus continued. "Thomas is all caught up. He posted a video a couple of days ago and he's already done with the scripts for the next videos a couple weeks in advance. He can take a break(reference ;)."

"But-" he tried to protest but Remus pressed a sloppy kiss to his mouth, shutting him up quickly. "No buts. Except mine and yours, of course." Remus smirked, trailing a hand over Logan's bare chest.

Logan blushed harder and conceded, letting Remus pull him back into bed and hug him, his tentacles sliding tantalizingly across Logan's bare back.

They got distracted shortly thereafter.

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