"This Isn't Awkward at All..."(Moceit w/ backgroind Prinxiety and Intrulogical)

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Can you tell that these three ships are slowly becoming my OTP's? XD

I've stopped censoring cursing for some of the one shots because I'm lazyyyyyy..... sorry

TW: Cursing(uncensored, you have been warned), Remus, pranking, turning into animals, making out, heavily implied smut,

     It was a very well-known fact that Remus was crazy.

     Actually, that was a huge understatement. The intrusive side was, on his best days, scarily unpredictable. You never knew if he would stab you or scream about kinky shit or eat deodorant or twerk or eat something not even remotely classified as a edible or pull a prank on all of the other sides or, on rare occasions, just lay down and relax, letting their host have the day off.

     This was most definitely not one of the days off.

     Virgil knew that almost immediately after waking up. He felt weird. Fuzzy, almost. He stretched out, arching his back.

    His yawn sounded suspiciously different. So did his sneeze.

     Virgil looked down. His eyes widened. Oh shit.

     To put it simply, he was a cat.

      I swear to God, I will fucking kill Remus once I get my hands on him.

     Overnight, he had turned into a small black kitten, a white spot on his chest. He was extraordinarily tiny, small enough to curl up inside Janus's hat and take a nap. His whiskers twitched. His tail curled up. His fur poofed out. He even had toe beans.

(man, this is taking me back to the spring of 2019... me and my irl best friend co-wrote probably a thousand pages of Warriors fanfiction. And no, I will not be sharing it with you, because I don't have my  friend's permission and, frankly, it's quite terrible XD)

     Virgil let out a small hiss, his ears pricking in discomfort. His white-tipped tail flicked as he leaped off his bed, landing on the ground with ease. He padded over to the door.

     Which presented another problem.

     He was a cat.

     Cats can't open doors.

     So, Virgil did the only logical thing.

     He sat down, tilted his head towards the sky, and yowled.

•Roman's POV•

     Roman jolted awake to a loud noise coming from across the hall. He groaned, stretching his arms out and smacking his lips, then turning over and trying to go back to sleep.

     Unfortunately for him, the noise persisted.

     It's too early for this, Roman thought, even though it was eleven AM. The noise was sort of like a screech but somehow different. More animal-like.

     He got up, quickly snapping his fingers and adorning some fluffy Gryffindor pajamas, then opened his door to investigate. The sound seemed to be coming from Virgil's room, surprisingly.

     Roman knocked on the door, listening for something. Thankfully, the noise quieted, but it was replaced by scratching and....

     Was that meowing?

     His curiosity got the better of him and he opened the door. Instantly, the tiniest, cutest kitten he had ever seen bolted out into the hallway, meowing softly.

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