DLAMP part 2!

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Requested by https://www.quotev.com/Fander28

...this is gonna be pretty short but whatever.

>Virgil's POV<

"Well, the second kiss is always better than the first." Virgil heard himself saying, which was a lot unlike him. This was Deceit. The liar. The dark side.

...the one that had saved him.

So as Deceit reached one of his six hands out to cup Virgil's cheek and bring his face to his own, Virgil didn't stop him. In fact, he kissed back, pressing himself into Deceit's chest. He felt Roman's arm wrap around his shoulders. Virgil broke away only to cuddle into Deceit's chest, crying from happiness and love all at once.

He saw Roman lean forward to take his place, smashing his lips into Deceit's. Patton came forward and joined the embrace, running his fingers through Virgil's hair. Deceit's hands felt different, and Virgil realized it was because he had no gloves on and the smooth scales on his palms were brushing against Virgil's cheek. Logan wrapped his arms around Deceit from behind, pressing a kiss to his uncovered head of curly hair. Virgil pressed even closer to Deceit, doing his best to make the Deceptive side feel loved. And that was what it was, wasn't it? This feeling that he was so used to feeling towards Roman, or Patton, or Logan? Virgil took a huge intake of breath when he realized it.

He loved Deceit.

He loved this mysterious, snakelike side as much as any of his other boyfriends. Maybe it was because he was so protective. Maybe it was because he cared. Maybe it was because he knew Deceit felt unloved and unwanted. Maybe it was because Deceit had almost died saving all of them.

Or maybe it was because Virgil knew that Deceit didn't deserve to be a Dark Side.

Unlike the other Dark Sides, Deceit aimed to protect Thomas. Sure, some of his suggestions were questionable. And sure, sometimes his suggestions required acting in your own self-interest. But sometimes his ideas were valid. And Thomas used Deceit more often then he'd like to admit.

Virgil wasn't as scared or repulsed by Deceit as he let on.

In fact, he was unabashedly in love with him. And he knew that Deceit deserved a second chance.

Just like he did.

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