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TW: Swearing, God's name used in vain, aromantic!remus, polyamorous relationships, maybe a little bit of implied smut, Remus, crying(both good and bad), bad writing 

I was gonna write a little drabble and it turned into a 3,000 word monster lmao

and this is unedited but whatever

     To put it simply, Janus was screwed.

     Maybe it was his fault that he didn't realize how he felt about Virgil until it was too late and his jacket was splotched with purple. Maybe it was his fault that he was too scared to talk to Logan, so he shoved him to the back of the courtroom. Maybe it was his fault for impersonating Patton and throwing any chance of the moral side trusting him right into the trash can. Maybe it was his fault for lashing out at Roman in that way, going so far as to compare him to his brother.

     But his feelings didn't change. When did they ever? He still laid awake in bed, imagining how Patton's lips would feel on his, how his body would feel on Roman's, how his hand would slot into Logan's, how Virgil's arms would wrap around him. How warm and safe and loved he would feel.

     But, he would never stand a chance with any of the "light" sides. He was a snake. Dishonest, untrustworthy, selfish. Why would any of them trust, let alone love, him, with the shiny scales speckling his skin and his forked tongue and his mismatched gaze and his many arms and his manipulative tendencies?

     No, it would be better for everyone if he was alone. Close enough to observe, but not to feel. Never to feel.

     Patton couldn't help but to scratch the bug bites on his arms. Logan collected rocks and fossils. Roman scrunched his nose when he was concentrating hard. Virgil tapped his feet and fidgeted with the strings on his hoodie when he was feeling nervous. Patton had a dimple on his cheek. Logan had a special blanket he couldn't sleep without. Roman had a collection of stress balls to squeeze when he was having a bout of creative block. Virgil played ukulele, although he would deny it when asked.

     Janus found himself hoarding these bits of knowledge like memories he couldn't bear to let go of, like bits and pieces of himself, in a way. No, he wasn't in love. He was just.... observant. Yeah.

     ("Keep telling yourself that, Jan." Remus smirked when the snake told him about how he thought of the light sides. Janus still didn't know what the Duke had meant.)

     It only got harder when Roman came up to Janus and confessed that he was in love with Logan. And Virgil. And Patton.

     Janus blinked before composing himself, smirking and drenching his words in sticky sarcasm. "Wow. What an astounding realization. Congratulations on being the last one to know."

     Cue the sputtering, flustered, red-faced prince. He playfully smacked Janus. "Well, I had to be sure before I told you, ya know?"

     "Not obvious at all." Janus deadpanned.

     "Shut up."

     His words softened into the truth and he patted the spot next to him on the couch, letting Roman settle into the cushions next to him. He debated whether to take his hand but decided against it, knowing it would just ruin the heartfelt moment. Still, his face was unusually warm.

     Roman sighed. "...I don't know what to do, Jay."

    Janus blinked. "God, you're even more stupid than I thought."

     "Fuck off."

    Janus rolled his eyes, maybe kind of sort of eyeing Roman's lips. "Ro, they obviously love you back. At least Logan does, and I'm placing my bets on Virgil and Patton. You're so fucking oblivious."

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