Are you BLUSHING?(Dukeceit)

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I saw a fluffy prompt and just had to do it.... this happened. I have no regrets.

TW: again, pretty smutty. Censored cussing, making out

@MyChemicalRomanStan I know how much you love this ship. here ya go! :)

Remus smirked, winking at Deceit. The snakelike side had turned away from Remus, subtly shifting to hide his face under his hat. "W-what did you just say, Remus?"

"Your face is f*cking beautiful, and I bet the rest of you is too." Remus practically purred, approaching Deceit seductively. To him, his intentions were clear, and he was sure they were to Deceit as well.

Remus grabbed Deceit's chin, raising it to his level. Then he noticed something.

"Oh my god. Are you blushing?"

Deceit's face flushed deeper, his cheeks a shade of deep red. "What? No!"

Having lived with Deceit practically his whole life, Remus could tell he was lying. "Did I get the ever-stoic, hardcore, total badass Deceit Sanders to blush?"

"No..." Deceit protested. "It-it's the cold!"

Remus raised an eyebrow. "Right. The cold. And not because I told you that your face is the most f*cking beautiful thing I've ever seen and I bet the rest of your body is too."

"N-no." Deceit was basically a walking tomato at this point. His voice cracked.

"Deceit." Remus pressed closer. Their faces were mere inches apart. "Can I... kiss you?"

Deceit flushed. Remus waited.

And then the deceptive side's head bobbed in an infinitesimal nod.

Without hesitation, Remus cupped Deceit's face and smashed their lips together in a passionate, sloppy, perfect kiss. Deceit reciprocated instantly, gripping Remus by the sash and pulling him closer. Remus carded one of his hands through Deceit's hair, causing his hat to fall off. With his other hand, he stroked Deceit's scales, causing the deceptive side to gasp and let Remus slip his tongue in. Then they were engaged in a contest for dominance, each pressing into the other. Deceit was somehow winning, wrapping his arms around Remus's torso and kissing him for all he was worth. Remus felt Deceit explore his body, his hands running from the dark creative's chest to his arms to his hair to his cheek while two remained in their place on Remus's hips, as if they belonged there. Somehow there was a wall behind Remus, and Deceit pushed him into it, smirking to see Remus so submissive. They were a mess of limbs and lips and teeth and tongues and hands.

Slowly Deceit disconnected their lips, only to press soft kisses to Remus's neck and smirk as Remus let out a small whine. "I love you, DeeDee." He whimpered, wrapping his arms around the snakelike side.

Deceit raised his head and pressed his lips to Remus's cheekbone, right beside his ear. "I love you too."

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