A/N(roceit part two)

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   So I know I said I was gonna make a part two of the Rociet one shot I made like three weeks ago, but I'm not. I'm just feeling a bit(a lot) burned out and I don't really know how to put my ideas down on paper. So here's a brief summary of how it would've gone. If anyone wants to take this suggestion and write it feel free to(as in please do my writing skills are next to nothing, if you do please credit me properly though) I'm just too burned out(and suffering from writers block) at the moment

I usually write one of these before every one shot I write so I can keep the storyline straight(gay)

Roman is an aurour trying to hunt down a dragon but it's been tamed by deceit who is a snake Maledictus. and deceit's been cursed to only speak in lies. Then Roman gets hit by a rockslide and deceit saves him Then he shows him his animal sanctuary and they fall in love but MACUSA won't let them be together because they're idiots so they run away. so yea👍

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