Quiet Moments- Moceit Drabbles

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Requested by NoInfo on Quotev

I'm gonna write a few scenarios with Moceit. Super fluffy.
I know I can't explain things well just read it XD
They're all in Janus's POV because I can write him better lol

TW: A little blood(papercut), swearing

•Reading Together•

     At first, Janus thought it odd that Patton wanted to be read aloud to. The moral side was the 'dad' after all, the figurative father figure of all the sides. But Janus quickly realized that although Patton said he was the parent, he actually represented more of an inner child. And after a pretty stressful day for Thomas, where Patton had to make a couple of hard decisions, Janus relented.

     He was sitting on the couch in Patton's room, a copy of 'Where the Sidewalk Ends' by Shel Silverstein in his ungloved hands. The moral side was curled up and leaning into him, looking at the pictures. Janus normally wouldn't read fantasy or fictional books, but he had an appreciation for poetry and thought that Patton might like some of the more childish aspects of the book in front of him. The words slipped from his mouth easily.

'There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go.
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends.'

     The poem was beautiful, really. Full of intricate imagery and clever rhyming, with a deep message behind it. Janus turned the page, smiling softly to himself and began to read another.

    Patton had fallen asleep on his shoulder, one of his arms around the deceptive side's torso. Once Janus realized this, he froze. Well shit.

     Obviously he couldn't move, or else risk waking Patton up. The moral side was sleeping so peacefully that it was absurd to even imagine disturbing his slumber.

     Janus had never really realized how cute Patton was when he slept, his hair falling carelessly over his closed eyes and his lips slightly open to breathe. His head was resting on Janus's shoulder and Janus subconsciously snuggled closer, leaning into the warmth. Slowly, he wrapped an arm around Patton's torso and smiled softly. He could get used to this.

    Thirty minutes later, Remus came in and draped a blanket around the pair, smirking and snapping pictures for blackmail.

•Kissing Scars to Heal Them•

     "Shit!" Janus hissed, flinching backwards in pain and looking at his finger. He had decided not to wear his gloves. After all, he was just relaxing and helping Patton organize some binders from when Thomas was in elementary school. That had been a mistake, and now Janus had a shiny bead of crimson blood rolling down his finger. He glared at the sheet of paper that had wounded him. Ironically, it was from a child's educational picture book titled, "Happy and healthy!", with a little kid holding a box of band-aids and smiling up at Janus imprinted on the cover 

     "What happened?" Patton appeared behind him, dropping a couple of Manila folders.

     "Nothing bad, really. Just a paper cut." Janus muttered. "I'll go clean it up."

    "I'll do it for you, Janus. Don't want you getting another cut or anything when getting the band-aids!" Patton said, looking at Janus, a little concerned.

     Janus sighed. It seemed that Patton also had a dad mode™️. "No, I'm fine, really. I can take care of myself."

      "Janus." Patton shot him a reprimanding glare. "Let me bandage your cut."

     Janus knew that there was no refusing Patton when he was this protective. He sighed. "Fine."

    Patton smiled and summoned some gauze and a box of Mickey Mouse band-aids. Janus rolled his eyes but let a small smile cross his face. Patton carefully cleaned up the blood on his finger and wrapped a band-aid around it.

     "Thanks..." Janus murmured. He had underestimated how close Patton would have to get, and now he was a blushing mess of a snake boy.

     Patton smiled. "I'm not done yet."

     Suddenly Janus's hand was being raised toward's Patton's mouth. He flushed even more as the moral side presses his lips to the band-aid on his finger.

     "...what was that?" He stuttered.

      Patton smirked. "I kissed it better."

      Janus was as red as a solanum lycopersicum. After a few minutes, he worked up the courage to say something momentous.

     "Hey, uh, actually my lips are a little chapped and they hurt a lot..."

     Patton smiled at Janus's bright red face. He closed his eyes and their lips melded together in a soft first kiss.

•Finding their Partner Wearing Their Clothes•

      Janus was curled up on his bed, relaxing in the warm sunlight, wrapped in a light grey hoodie. The sunlight felt heavenly on his scales, and he blepped, closing his eyes. The hoodie he was wearing smelled like Patton, and he subconsciously nuzzled into the fabric. He basked in the sunlight, growing more tired by the second.

     "Hey, Jan, have you seen my... awww!" Patton squealed. "Hun, did you steal my cat hoodie?"

     "No. I would never." Janus mumbled.

     "You're adorable."

      The snakelike side sat up, defiant. "No m' not. M' terrifying. The spawn of darkness. You should fear me."

    "Whatever you say, Jan." Patton smiled, walking up to him and kissing his forehead. Instantly Janus pulled his boyfriend down into the bed with him, connecting their lips in a kiss. Patton reciprocated instantly, cupping Janus's scaled cheek. Janus pulled him closer, wrapping an arm around his waist.

     Patton disconnected their lips and met his eyes, grinning. "Adorable." Ignoring Janus's defiant murmurs, he cuddled his boyfriend into his chest and held him close.

should I do this with other ships as well?

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