Summer Camp(Prinxiety w/ background Demus and a bit of Logicality and Remile )

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A/N based off of actual experience (although I didn't meet my significant other at camp I just go to this summer camp also irl it's definitely not this gay) I guess this is a high school au cause they're that age they're just not in school..? Idk oh well. They all have sort of different faces in this au cuz otherwise it'd be weird. lol this is horrible oh well. And it has 4000 FREAKING WORDS WHAT

TW: censored swearing, breaking rules, maybe implied smut (blink and you'll miss it) God's name used in vain, tooth-rotting fluff, EXTRA GAY

Virgil swung his backpack over his shoulder and sighed, his feet crunching softly on the rocky gravel path as he walked towards the cabin. His parents were sending him to summer camp for three weeks while they went to a wedding on a cruise in the Bahamas. Of course they didn't want to take their son along. He was just the annoying gay cousin in a family half full of homophobes. So instead they just shipped him off to Maine for half the summer. It wasn't as if he would mind spending an entire month in a place with no WiFi or electronics(sarcasm intended).

The cabins were each run by a counselor, as in a college student. There were cabins for girls and boys, and even one small cabin for non-binary (pals)campers. This camp seemed to be ok so far. Ish. (I don't know what I'm writing)

Virgil swung open the screen door to the cabin and was immediately met with the eyes of seven other people. They were all boys his age. Two of them looked too alike for it to be a coincidence, so Virgil assumed they were twins. They both had tan skin and were about the same height, and their eyes were the same shade of brown. One had a small spray of freckles across his face and the other had a few streaks of silver in his bangs. The one with freckles wore a white t-shirt with a Gryffindor emblem on it, and the other had a black shirt with silver and green stripes. The one with freckles also had a rainbow pin on his bag that looked to Virgil like a pride flag(could be gayer). Aside from the twins, there was a boy with round glasses, a blue shirt, a gray cardigan wrapped loosely around his shoulders, curly hair, pale-ish skin, and a smile on his face. Sitting next to him was a pale boy with framed rectangle glasses wearing a black collared shirt and a tie, even though it was literally the middle of summer. There was a boy with what looked like a fedora and a black shirt with a yellow collar, one side of his face had an odd birthmark on it that made it look like he had scales(idk what to do for Deceit this is the best I got). Across the room from him was a kid sipping what looked like iced coffee out of a Starbucks cup. He had sunglasses and was wearing a black leather jacket in the middle of July. Next to him was a guy in a white t-shirt with the crystal gems on it(this is Emile I didn't want him to suffer with a jacket in the middle of summer)The older person that Virgil assumed was a counselor was sitting on a bed. He had a red shirt with a yellow star in the middle, like Steven Universe.

"Uhhh.... hi." Virgil murmured, slinging his bag off of his shoulders and putting it on the nearest empty bunk.

The counselor looked at a sheet of paper. "Virgil, right?"

Virgil nodded. The counselor looked at him with a smile and held out his hand for a handshake. "I'm Thomas. And I think that since you're here it's time for a NAME CIRCLE!" He exclaimed, looking at the other kids.

"Woo!" The twin with freckles whooped, pumping his fist in the air.

"This happens every week." Logan informed Virgil, looking at the boy who had whooped with contempt.

"Because it's a good bonding experience! Remy, Emile and Virgil are new this week, so let's make it fun for them!" Thomas exclaimed.

"Make it fun how?" The twin with the silver hair smirked, doing some sort of shimmy dance.

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