Cold-Blooded(Thomceit Birthday Special!)

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This is for Thomas's BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday, you beautiful Gay Disney Prince!

I know I don't normally write Thomas x Sides, but I wanted to do something special for his birthday and since Thomceit(Thomas x Deceit) is ADORABLE, I wrote it!

That being said, this could be taken platonically or romantically. Yeet.

And sorry it's so short oof-

I guess this is an AU where Thomas can summon his sides into the real world if he wants to? They are still his traits, but they take on a sort of humanlike form? Idk.

(hopefully I'll get this done and posted before like 5 pm but knowing me probably not XD)

TW: Cold-bloodedness I guess, Skiing...?

        Deceit was frozen.

        More accurately, he was curled up on his bed in a blanket burrito, shivering. The chill had begun to seep through his cold-blooded veins. His eyes were straining to stay open, and his hands were shaking. Even his cape did nothing to help. He curled in tighter on himself in a futile attempt to keep his body heat. However, being part snake, he had almost none.

        Thomas was on a skiing vacation(fricking corona ruined everything) to Colorado. At the moment, he was coasting down the hills towards his cabin as the sun set in the background. And Deceit was freezing cold. Being cold-blooded, he had no way of making his own body heat, and was thus at the mercy of the elements. His eyes began to flutter shut. He started to shiver. The thermometer in the corner read 21° F. He swore under his breath. His body temperature would inevitably drop below freezing. That was not good.

        He would have summoned a heater, but it would have done nothing. He could only do so much when he was just a trait, forever a part of Thomas. In a way, him and Thomas were one and the same.

        He stopped thinking. Thinking took too much energy. Suddenly, he was more tired than ever before. Everything was slowing down. Deceit's eyelids drooped. His skin was ice-cold. His shivering slowed and his heart rate dropped.

        And a pair of arms wrapped around him.

        Deceit blinked. Slowly, he began to warm. He shifted around to see his host hugging him and looking down at him with a smile on his face.

        "W-what?" He slurred, too tired and cold to lie.

        Thomas shrugged. "You were cold. I helped."

        Only then did he realize that Thomas was in his cabin, sitting by a roaring fireplace, a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He had summoned Deceit into the real world.

        "Thanks." He murmured.

        Thomas raised an eyebrow. "Did you just tell the truth?"

        Deceit realized that he had been honest with his host. For once. He chuckled. "Don't expect that very often." He warned. "You're lucky I'm cold blooded, otherwise it would have taken a lot longer to get me to open up."

        Thomas shrugged. "I have my ways." He cuddled Deceit closer to his chest. Deceit leaned on him with a contented sigh. His heart rate sped up to normal speed and his skin was not nearly as cold as it had been a minute ago. He wasn't shivering anymore. However, he was still exhausted. And so was Thomas, after a long day of sleeping. The snakelike side subconsciously nuzzled his hatless head into his host's chest.

        The next morning, Roman went to wake up Thomas. However, he saw him asleep on a couch, hugging a cold sleeping snek. He decided to let him sleep in and even draped a blanket over both of their shoulders, smiling(and maybe taking a picture or two for blackmail).

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