Analogical Headcanons

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You would think I would do Prinxiety but someone( on Quotev) requested Analogical and I realized I haven't done any headcanons yet lol. Sooo here ya go!

•Logan and Virgil DEFINETLY stargaze.
•Virgil has panic attack, Logan comforts him.
•Virgil got Logan into MCR.
• they stay up late watching conspiracy theory videos together and Logan points out the inconsistencies.
•Virgil plays with Logan's hair and Logan just melts.
•Virgil always tries to take the blanket but Logan is smart and has like three. Eventually they end up laying basically on top of one another.
•Logan takes Virgil to museums

•Virgil isn't scared of Deceit or Remus anymore because Logan knows how to get rid of them and will protect his boyfriend at all costs.
•They stay up late doing basically all the work for Thomas's videos, writing the scripts, editing, et cetera. Logan's efficiency and effort combined with the fact that Virgil is stressing about the upcoming deadline makes them a powerful team.
• No one proposes until they've been together at least ten years, Logan is hopeless with romance and Virgil is always anxious about whether it's too soon to propose. Eventually, Logan does and Virgil says yes(obviously).
•Virgil and Logan team up and argue with Roman and Patton.
•Logan teaches Virgil vocabulary words so he confuses everyone even more, and Virgil helps Logan with his slang.
• Neither of them cook or bake, Logan doesn't have the dynamic right and even if he did Virgil wouldn't let him make food because he's afraid of the house burning down.
• They both learn cuss words in different languages like Latin and Greek and German, for the sole purpose of insulting Roman and Deceit.
• They definitely share jars of Crofter's.
•Logan gives Virgil more depressing information so he can scare Thomas more.
•If Deceit disguises himself as either Logan or Virgil, the other one knows immediately.

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