Alone Together(Dukeceit/Demus)

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Everyone seems to want Dukeceit sooooo here you all go! Prompt: "I think I'm falling for you, and it scares me...". Sorry it's so short!

TW: Censored cussing, Making Out, God's name used in vain

Remus and Deceit had always been close... maybe not as close as Remus would have liked, but close enough. They were the outcasts, the villains, but they were villains together. No one understood Deceit like Remus did, and no one could tolerate Remus like Deceit did. They were a pair.

Ever since Virgil left, they had grown a lot closer. The Dark Side of the mind palace didn't seem like a nice place when you first saw it. There was barely any light, just enough to see. At first glance it looked suspiciously like Thomas's apartment, but there were differences. The wall was a deep grey instead of the normal pale yellow. The couch was black and the floor was an ashy grey. It looked like a black-and-white photo. But there was something charming about the simplicity of it, so they kept it that way. Remus hung up a couple of... questionable photos, but he knew Deceit didn't mind. Remus had to put his energy somewhere, and if it was in painting, well, that was better than most other ways.

They did a lot of the same things the light sides did. They watched movies, usually horror or mystery, and would sometimes wake up curled against each other on the couch. Deceit knew how to make cookies, so there was always a plate of chocolate chip cookies somewhere in the kitchen, as well as excess dough in the fridge. They would sit on the couch together, just reading and drawing. They had even teamed up to beat Roman and Virgil in a nerf war. Remus always knew how to make Deceit laugh, and Deceit didn't mind Remus's gory input. It was a win-win.

Remus was very attached to the deceptive side. They were the closest you could get without being in a romantic relationship.

....not that Remus would mind that.

But lately, Deceit had been more distant. He had isolated himself in his room, only coming out to eat or drink. There hadn't been a movie night in weeks. There was almost no cookie dough left in the fridge, and Deceit's philosophy books lay untouched on his bookshelf in the corner of the living room. For days it had been just Remus sitting on the couch, drawing alone, watching horror movies alone, eating alone.

Remus sighed. He was lonely.

And he planned to change that.

He marched to Deceit's door with a purpose, rapping his knuckles on the door. "Deceit! Can I come in?"

"No." The deceptive side called through the door. Remus knew he wasn't lying. He didn't usually lie when it was just the two alone.

"I'm not leaving until you let me in." Remus called. Contrary to popular belief, he was very patient. All of the gory thoughts in his head could distract him for days.

Deceit was silent. Remus knew something was really wrong. If he was acting normally, Deceit would have shot back some snarky comment. Probably hissed.

Actually, Remus had no patience. He broke down the door with his morningstar.

Deceit was laying on his bed, staring at his blank ceiling. His snek was curled up on his stomach, the bright yellow of its scales contrasting with the heather(heather, and heather) shade of his shirt. "Go away." he muttered.

"No." Remus said, approaching. "I just want to know why you've been distancing yourself. Are you depressed? 'Cause I can and will get Emile-"

"It's not that." Deceit said, turning on his side and scooping his snek up in his hand, letting it slither up to curl up on his arm. "Just.... please leave me alone, OK?"

"Not right now. I refuse." Remus sat on the bed, smirking. "I'm very good at refusing things."

Deceit sighed. Then Remus noticed something strange.

His face was red.

"Are you sick?" Remus asked. "Because I can and will knock Patton out and drag him down here to take care of you against his will. Maybe paralyze him-"

"Oh, yes, I'm totally sick. I could die. I have the black plague and it's highly contagious, so if you could leave, that'd be great."

"B*tch, you know I'd love to get the black plague. I could infect everyone!" Remus smirked. A small smile curled across Deceit's face, disappearing just as quickly.

"But seriously, what's wrong? Did you kill someone? 'Cause I am down to help hide the body. Or take out the witnesses." Remus said, leaning backwards and letting his head rest on Deceit's pillow. He turned to face Deceit.

Yep. The deceptive side was blushing.

"I guess I'll regret it if I don't tell you now." Deceit murmured to himself. He curled up into a little ball, pulling his knees up to his chest and letting his snek wrap around his shoulders. He took a deep breath.

"Whatever you did, remember that I've probably done worse." Remus reminded him.

"It's not what I did." Deceit met Remus's eyes for the first time in weeks, his heterochromic irisis piercing the Duke's soul. "It's what you did. I-I think... I think I'm falling for you. And it scares me."

Remus stiffened. "Oh, Deceit..." he murmured. He reached out a tentative hand to stroke the snakelike side's scales. "I fell for you a long time ago."

"Really?" Deceit said, uncurling himself.

Remus pulled both of them into a sitting position, smiling at Deceit. He cupped his cheek. "Can I kiss you?" he asked, pulling their faces closer together.

Deceit leaned forward the rest of the way, effortlessly connecting their lips in a kiss. It was passionate and beautiful and so right. Remus couldn't believe that this was more than a dream. He had to pull Deceit closer to make sure. Yeah, he was kissing Deceit, his crush of many, many years.

Remus wrapped an arm around Deceit's neck, running his tongue alone the deceptive side's upper lip. Deceit let him in, and Remus explored his mouth, pulling him closer. They were a mess of lips and tongues and teeth and limbs and hearts, beating steadily in sync. And God, Remus loved Deceit. He loved his lies and his truths. He loved his scales and his skin. He loved the way he smirked and the way he smiled and the way he laughed and the way he cried and the way he yelled and the way he twisted things around so you couldn't think straight. Right now, Remus wasn't thinking straight at all. He pressed himself into Deceit's torso, relishing the way his lips felt on Remus's. The way one of his hands was carding through the intrusive side's hair, another wrapped around his neck, another cupping his face, and yet another stroking his cheek. Remus kissed Deceit for all he was worth, letting this moment extend for infinity, this first kiss lasting an eternity as his fingers ran lightly along Deceit's scaled cheek.

Unfortunately, he had to breathe.

Slowly, sadly, Remus broke the kiss, instead pressing his forehead to Deceit's. "God, I love you. I've loved you since I've met you. I've been wanting to do that for so long, Dee." He breathed, his breath stirring Deceit's hair.

Deceit let a rare, genuine smile cross his face. "I love you too, 'Mussy."

He leaned in again for another kiss.

They were alone, but they were alone together.

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