Movie Night(Intruloceit)

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in forever... but I do have an excuse. Not a very good one, but an excuse nonetheless


thank you for coming to my TED talk.

TW: swearing, Remus, sexual innuendo because Remus, kind of unsympathetic 'light' side mention(blink and you'll miss it, it's literally hale a sentence), bad writing.

      Logan walked through the halls of the mind palace, sipping on his black coffee. He was carrying a couple of stacks of blank paper, as well as his planner with detailed schedules of Thomas's plans for the future. He slid the paper into Roman's room for the creative side to jot his ideas on and sighed.

      In all honesty, it was too late at night to be working.

     It was 10:30 pm on a Saturday night. If he didn't stop working soon, both Patton and Janus would chastise him about his sleep schedule. But he couldn't stop... not now. He had momentum, and he couldn't waste it. Logan finished his coffee and summoned another one, walking towards his room.

     A sticky ungloved hand grabbed Logan by his tie and yanked him into Janus's room instead.

     Logan squeaked as he dropped his coffee, spilling the bean juice all over the snakelike side's plush yellow carpet. He stumbled and nearly fell to the floor but instead landed in a pair of arms.

    A beat.

     "...ow. What the fuck just happened?" Logan asked, blinking his droopy eyes.

     "Didn't you say that 10:30 is too late to be working?" A smooth voice answered. The gloved hands that had saved him from tumbling to the floor pulled him gently to a couch. Logan heard the snap of Remus's fingers and watched the coffee stain on the carpet vanish.

     Logan sighed, exasperated. "I have to finish this."

    "Lie." Janus raised an eyebrow. The logical side looked into his eyes, one a deep brown and the other molten gold.

     Remus barreled towards them and leaped onto the couch, landing sprawled across their laps with an oomph. Somehow this ruined the moment, especially since his shirt had been lost somewhere along the way. "Did you know that when you cry it's your eyes peeing?"

     Janus rolled his eyes, a somewhat fond smile appearing on his face for a split second. "'Mus, we've talked about this. I'll only cuddle you if you're wearing a full set of clothes."

     Remus paused for a second, seemingly thinking. That was never a good sign. "Damn it. Do you wanna fuck instead?"

    "Hmm. Maybe later." Janus dismissed the question easily, handing Remus a baggy Gryffindor t-shirt(Remus is a Gryffindor and you can pry that opinion from my cold dead hands). Surprisingly, the Intrusive side pulled it on.

     Logan watched their casual exchange curiously. He had assumed that Remus and Janus weren't very close, but it looked like he had been dead wrong. He blinked. He was getting distracted again. He had to work. "May I leave?"

     "Oh, definitely. Staying up till 11 organizing information Thomas won't need for months is obviously the healthiest thing you can do at the moment." Janus drawled sarcastically.

     "Double Dee is right!" Remus added, sitting up and bouncing a little, halfway on Logan's lap and halfway on Janus's. "You need to take a break. Jan, I think we need to give our shmexy sorcerer a self-care night."

     Janus rolled his eyes at the nickname but nodded. "Lo, you need to take care of yourself. Your mental and physical health is more important than a filming schedule for a video 6 months in the future."


     "No buts." Janus cut him off.

      "Awww, why not?" Remus complained.

     Logan sighed, sinking backwards into the couch cushions and accepting the fact that he wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

     Janus pulled Remus into his lap, summoning the remote. "Anything in particular you want to watch?"

    Logan blinked. The 'light' sides didn't usually ask his opinion on this sort of thing. "Not really."

    "OOH! OOH! What about a dolphin porno!"

     Janus ignored Remus's messy input and turned on Big Hero 6. Logan wondered for a fleeting moment how Janus knew his favorite Disney movie before relaxing. The snakelike side was leaning into his shoulder and cuddling close, one arm wrapped around the logical side and two more holding Remus steady in his lap. A blanket had been summoned and draped over the pair.

     In all honesty... this was somehow better than movie nights with the 'light' sides. Logan could get used to this.

crappy ending but I need to get this out to you guys XD, I should also have another chapter of flames out by tomorrow.

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