Day 1: Prinxiety

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A/N: a lot of these are going to be drabbles, not full-on one shots. Also this is inspired by a fluffy writing prompts book on wattpad, which you can find here:

Prompt: Person A and Person B dancing in the kitchen at 2 am

TW: Censored cussing, heated kissing, God's name used in vain.

Virgil walked downstairs. It was a normal morning. As in, he was still up at 2 am like usual, walking downstairs for a glass of water. He stepped into the kitchen and did a double take.

His boyfriend, Roman, was sitting on the counter, in baggy Gryffindor pajamas, casually sipping a mug of hot cocoa, looking so f*cking hot that Virgil couldn't believe it. He immediately stopped. Hydration could wait.

Instead, Virgil just admired him, leaning on the doorframe silently. Roman's bangs, brushed casually to the side. His small smile, so subtle yet still charming. His brown eyes so deep you could drown in them.

What Virgil wouldn't give to kiss him right now.

He could feel himself blushing as Roman looked up and caught him staring. A cocky smile spread across his face. He set down his mug and hopped off the counter, walking up to Virgil. Without a word, he intertwined his fingers with Virgil's and raised his hand to shoulder level, placing his other hand on the anxious side's shoulder.

"Roman, what are you..." Virgil trailed off as Roman brushed a finger across his lips silently. "Shh. Dance with me." He gripped Virgil's hand, guiding it to rest on his shoulder.

Despite himself, Virgil nodded. He was about to be swept off his feet.

And Roman started, silently stepping. Virgil followed his lead, enticed by the smile on his face and the glint in his eye. Soon he is swaying as they twirl, gliding along the tile floor. They spin out and in once again, Roman holding him close. Roman guides Virgil's movements as they waltz, dancing silently to a nonexistent orchestra. But somehow Virgil can hear it, the whisper of a violin, the faintest echo of a piano chord. Roman sweeps him along, and he is humming a soft melody. It's the same one in Virgil's head. Roman twirls Virgil around, the smile on his face evident in his movements. Virgil smiles and suddenly he is humming too, swept up in a magical dance created only by Roman's humming, his steps on the kitchen floor, and his grip on Virgil's hand and shoulder. The orchestra is going wild, and Virgil hears the melody soar. Violinists let notes ring through the air, accompanied by staccato sixteenth notes and whirls of sound from the woodwinds. A cymbal crashes. Roman's footwork is an instrument in itself, pitches rising and falling in chords and notes and waves of sound as the music crescendos to its climax...

If you had looked into the mind palace kitchen that day at two am, you would've seen one of two things. Two crazy people waltzing and humming in the kitchen at an ungodly hour, or a couple unabashedly, madly, fully in love with each other.

The music stopped, the magnificent final chord fading into nothing.

And Roman pulled Virgil into a kiss, their lips meeting passionately. Virgil wraps his arm around Roman's neck, letting the warm feeling he has in his heart spread throughout him. Sparks fly as Roman runs his hand through Virgil's hair, his fingers stroking Virgil's cheek. Virgil grants Roman passage and he explores Virgil's mouth, pulling him closer. And Virgil is flying, he can hear the notes of the orchestra again because Roman is his very own orchestra, and right now he is putting on a show.

Time for a standing ovation, Virgil thinks, slipping his tongue into Roman's mouth and kissing him passionately. He tastes like cinnamon and vanilla and hot chocolate and Roman, Virgil's favorite of them all. Virgil cups Roman's cheek and smiles against his mouth. He loves Roman. He loves every part of his weird, wonderful, passionate, extravagant prince. He loves his smiles and his words, his songs and his tears, his good days and his bad.

"God, I love you." Virgil whispered against Roman's mouth.

Roman pulled Virgil closer, scooping him up in his arms. "I love you too, my emo nightmare."

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