Seagulls(Platonic Demus)

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Warnings: Remus being Remus, hitting people


"WHAT is up, everybody!" Remus heard Thomas say. He smiled, grabbing his deodorant. Quickly he rose up. "Hiiiiii Thomas!"

Thomas ignored him. "Ugh." Roman growled, sliding away from Remus.

"Oh, that's not fun!" Remus said, chewing his deodorant.

"Thomas is never fun." Deceit agreed. Remus fist-bumped him, stretching his arm out. Virgil hissed loudly.

Thomas gagged. "Why are you here?" He snapped.

Remus opened his phone and played back him saying, 'Oh, I just love showing up where I'm not invited!' from "Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts."

Logan sighed. "Anyway Thomas, as I was saying-"

"Oh hi kiddo!" Patton appeared. He pointed at Deceit, frowning slightly. "Ummm... you're in my spot again...."

"What Patton is trying to say is go away, you two!" Roman snapped.

Deceit stuck up his middle fingers.

"Oh, double birds? Really?" Thomas sighed.

"No." Deceit said, smirking.

"This isn't productive!" Logan said.

"Oh, shut up, Microsoft turd!" Remus snapped.

"And now you're stealing my insults. Great." Roman sighed.

"It is, isn't it!" Remus squealed, eating deodorant.

Logan sighed, pinching his forehead.

"Oh my GOSH! Will you just leave already?" Virgil hissed.

"JEFFERY DAHMER!!!" Remus screeched, throwing his deodorant at Virgil. He flinched, smacking it away, and the empty container clattered to the ground. He looked at his hand. "Maybe I do have reflexes."

"Ugh. I have a headache now." Thomas said, rubbing his temples.

"It's nothing a little singing won't fix!" Remus said. He started to sing Seagulls: Stop it Now! By Bad Lip Reading.

Rockin' and Rollin'.
Down to the beach, I'm strollin'
but the seagulls poke at my head;
not fun!"
I said, "Seagulls, mmm! Stop it now!"

"Oh my- stooooooop." Thomas groaned.

Remus ignored him. "Hmm hah hmm hmm hmm hah hmm hmm ha Hmm hmm hmm hm ha hmm hm hm hm ha!!"

"Ughhhh. This isn't even Disney!" Roman complained.

"Everyone told me
not to stroll on that beach,
said, "Seagulls gonna come,
poke me in the coconut...

and they did.

and they did.
And they goin' like
Hwawwh hawh hawh hawh haw haw

"How are you even making that noise?!" Virgil hissed, backing away.

Remus wiggles his eyebrows, shimmying to the beat. "Haaww hawh hawh hawh haw haw
Haaww hawh hawh hawh hawh haw!

Logan sighed. "Are you done?"

"You wish!" Remus said.

"Nothin' I could do but yell when these birds attacked me.
When I tried to run I fell, and then these kids start laughin'.
And then, hmm, got hit in the neck with a hacky-sack.
Mmm hm hm hmm where'd it come from?"

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