Swap(Prinxiety, Logicality, Demus)

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TW: everyone pranking each other, censored cussing, kissing when not in a relationship, Roman and Virgil being horrible actors, sides disguising themselves as other sides, a fourth wall shattered beyond repair, bad writing

A/N: I don't really understand what's happening in this and I wrote it, so I'll put a summary at the end for all of you confused people out there, me being one of them XD Also Patton is out of character this entire time. I apologize XD

also this was SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. I mean the fourth-wall breaks? Priceless

"Virgillllllllllll." Roman groaned.

Virgil looked up from Tumblr and focused his eyes on the princely trait. "What?"

"I'm booooooored." He complained. Virgil sighed and pulled his headphones over his ears once again. "You're the creative one. Shouldn't you be able to come up with something to entertain yourself with?"

"Nope." Roman flopped on the couch, laying his head in Virgil's lap. Virgil pushed it off.

Roman smirked and yanked Virgil's headphones off. "Hey!" Virgil snapped, reaching for them. Roman stood up. Being three inches taller than Virgil, he could hold the headphones out of his reach. "I hate you." Virgil muttered, straining to reach his headphones.

"But we both know that's not quite true, is it?"

"Shut up." Virgil elbowed Princey and grabbed his headphones, only to realize that his phone was out of battery. "Why won't you just let me sulk and listen to My Chemical Romance like the true emo I am?"

"What's the fun in that, Panic! At the Everywhere?" Roman smirked, gripping Virgil's hand. "I say we prank Patton and Logan."

"I'm not pranking dad." Virgil huffed.

Roman wriggled his eyebrows. "Ok, but will you help me get him and Logan together?"

Virgil considered it. It was painfully obvious that Patton and Logan liked each other. Patton's smile would widen whenever Logan entered the room, and Logan's ears would turn red. There was some discreet hand-holding under the kitchen table, and the small gifts that Patton gave to Logan on Valentines Day were dead giveaways.

"...what did you have in mind?"

Roman grinned and handed him a pair of glasses.

-Snek's POV-

Deceit watched the pair as they disguised themselves, Virgil putting on Logan's guise and Roman wrapping a replica of Patton's cardigan around his shoulders. So this is how they're gonna play it, huh...

Sinking back down to the dark mindscape, he called Remus, who was lying on the couch upside down, his head a few inches above the floor and his feet swinging in the air above him. "Your brother and Virgil aren't trying to prank Logan and Patton in an attempt to get them together."

The Duke's head shot up in a flash. He could understand Deceit better than any other side. "Ooooooh! Can we mess them up?"

"No." Deceit smirked. "They're not trying to disguise themselves as Logan and Patton."

Remus sighed. "First of all, completely unoriginal. Second, it's going to fail. Third, boring. They should add some gore! Or just f*ck in front of them." He ticked off the reasons on his fingers.

"And they're totally not hopeless romantics. Your brother doesn't like Virge at all." Deceit examined his hand like he was looking at his nails, even though he was wearing gloves.

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