Uno(Prinxiety w/ background Demus)

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     Roman sat in his room, looking at the Disney posters. It calmed him to see all of the familiar faces. Belle, Cinderella, Aladdin, Tiana, Rapunzel, Aurora...

His feelings were a mess, so it helped to know that at least some things would always stay the same.

His thoughts wandered back to Virgil, how he was so kind and thoughtful and anxious and cute and....

Roman forced his thoughts back to Disney. He quickly turned on his tv and popped The Lion King into the DVD player. He watched and for a second remembered making the vine where Thomas has rubbed ketchup on someone's head and said, "Simbaaaaa" for a prank.

Absorbed in the movie, he was startled when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in unless you're Remus!" He said, grabbing popcorn.

Surprisingly it was Virgil. As soon as Roman saw his face, he felt rushed of emotion from earlier today come back to him in waves of joy and hope. He was Thomas's passion, and he felt heightened emotions all of the time. This was different. Roman looked at the way Virgil's bangs fell on his face and his deep brown eyes and his purple hair and his sweatshirt and the way he moved his hands and the way he tried to make himself smaller, hiding from the world like a turtle in its shell. Roman couldn't help but notice Virgil's eyeshadow and his pale, pale foundation and his beautiful lips and his-

Then Roman remembered why Virgil hid from the world. He was scared. He never took risks. He was the opposite of Roman, who spent his days dreaming and fantasizing about other things, fame and glory. The more fame Thomas had, the more his social anxiety grew. Virgil was literally the opposite of Roman.

"What do you need, Virgil?" Roman asked, trying to ignore his blushing face. If Virgil was into anybody, it wouldn't be him. He was Virgil's opposite. Plus, why would Virgil like someone like him? Someone who had insulted him at every opportunity?

"Can I-can I come in?" Virgil asked hesitantly.

"Sure." Roman said, patting the couch next to him. What am I doing-

As Virgil came closer, Roman saw the streaks in his eyeshadow. His dark persona. His cheeks hastily covered with foundation. But most of all he saw eyes filled with tears. "What happened?" Roman asked, reaching out and pulling Virgil on to the couch with him.

Virgil curled into a ball. "Deceit." He whispered.

"You called?" Deceit appeared, winking.

Virgil hissed loudly.

Roman drew his sword. "Get out, Deceit." He snarled.

Deceit ignored him and started humming, "Can you feel the love tonight?"

Roman swung his sword at him. "Why don't you go make out with Remus or something?"

Deceit smirked. "Because I don't like him."

"That was definitely a lie. I will tell my brother."

"Tell me what?" Remus asked, popping up out of nowhere. He was eating deodorant.

"Deceit likes you." Roman said. "Now both of you get out!"

Deceit glared at Roman. Remus squealed and picked Deceit up princess-style™️ and ran out of Roman's room. Roman returned to the couch and wrapped his arm around Virgil. "He won't hurt you again. I'm here. And I guess so is Remus. I'll just tell him to go take Deceit on a date or something."

"Only if you take Virgil on a date!" Remus stuck his head into Roman's room and yelled.

"Shut up!" Roman yelled back.

Virgil nodded. He sniffed. "He's just so.... powerful. I don't get how I can keep him from hurting Thomas."

"There are four of us, Virgil. You're not alone anymore." Roman promised, pulling him into a hug. Surprisingly Virgil hugged back, wrapping his arms around Roman's chest. "Thanks, princey." He breathed.

"No problem, mi amore." Roman whispered.

Virgil looked up at him. "What does that mean?"

"What?" Roman asked, internally panicking and realizing what he just said. He had called Virgil his love.

"Mi amore. What does that mean?"

"My-my love. In Spanish." Roman said, looking at the ground and backing away from Virgil. Roman's face was burning. "I'm sorry- I-I just- I have a crush on you, ok? I have for so long... I just..." Roman felt tears welling up in his eyes. He looked at Virgil.

Virgil stared at him blankly. He slowly pulled something out of his pocket and held it up. Roman looked at it in shock.

It was a fricking UNO reverse card.

As Roman looked at it, a smile spread across his face. He felt a tear run down his cheek as he scooped Virgil up in his arms and pulled him close. Virgil smiled up at him, blushing. Roman wrapped his arms around Virgil and brought him closer.

Roman felt a tug on his sash as Virgil grabbed him and connected their lips in a kiss. He rubbed Virgil's back and Virgil wrapped his arms under Roman's, his hands ending up on his shoulders. Roman's hand went to Virgil's cheek, and ran through his hair. He felt the heat of Virgil's face against his, and the wetness of a tear running down Virgil's cheek and onto Roman's. Virgil's heartbeat was fast, and Roman pressed himself against Virgil, pulling him close. Their lips moved in sync and Roman stroked Virgil's cheek.

Roman broke away and cupped Virgil's face in his hands. Virgil smiled wider. Roman reached out and wiped a tear from Virgil's cheek.

"Told you!" Remus smirked, snapping a picture on his phone. Virgil hissed at him. Roman pulled Virgil closer and wrapped his arms around his neck. Virgil sat on Roman's lap, wrapping his legs around him. "Shut up Remus!" Roman called.

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