"You don't have to cook for me," I said calmly, "But I want some cornflakes cereal with chocolate milk."

Liam's P.O.V

She asked for cornflakes cereal with chocolate milk. I wanted to argue with her because cereal won't make her full, but I didn't. She might just throw me some tantrums. I reached for the cabinet, opening the first door but the cereals wasn't there. I opened the second and third one with the same result at the end. I'm sure it should be in forth one. I let out a sigh of relieve looking at different kind of cereals boxes in the forth cabinet.

The first box was the fruity pebbles. No!

The second box was sugar coated rice. No!

The third box was crunch berries. No!

The forth box was honey stars. No!

And there's no more boxes. Shit!

"Err, we don't have any cornflakes cereal," I delivered regretfully. She looked like she was about to cry. "But we have honey stars, fruity pebbles, sugar coated rice and crunch berries," I announced in one breath, already panicking if she were to start crying.

She shook her head, "I don't want any! Just get me chocolate milk."

"But you have to eat some-" I was cut off.

"Just get me milk please," she said, raising her voice a little. I walked to the refrigerator, already know that we have sufficient amount of milk chocolate. I opened up the fridge and my mouth turn out into the 'O' shape. Where are all of the chocolate milk? Niall. Who else could I have suspected? There are only some beer cans, a bottle of ribena and two carton of milk.

"Cora, is normal milk be fine for you? We ran out of the chocolate ones," I told her regretably.

She crossed her arms to her chest and jutted out her bottom lip, "No! I don't want anything anymore."

I felt guilt running through every part of when I shouldn't because she's just being extra childish due to her hormones and mood-swings. She walked out of the kitchen and I just watched her leave. She settled herself on the couch and swithced on the teevee. I pulled out my phone and dialled Harry's cell.

"Hey, are you guys still at the supermarket?" I asked once the other line was picked up.

"Yeah, mate. We went to fetch Eleanor first and now I'm stucked because Louis is insisting to get 5kg of carrots which God knows for what and Niall is debating with Zayn about getting his bags of chips," Harry complained, "You should have come, man."

"Right whatever it is, please take care of those two. Don't let them get too much of food," I replied, knowing that it wouldn't make any differences because Louis and Niall is really stubborn when it comes to their carrots or chips. "But please get me some cornflakes cereal and chocolate milk."

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