Chapter 33

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Scarlett's P.O.V

"Cmon Calum, come sit on daddy's lap." Luke teased as he patted his empty lap. Calum quickly got up and tackled Luke down on our couch. I'm pretty sure there was a few punches but I was too busy looking for a seat. Courtney was occupied next to Michael, who was also on the couch. The only seat that was open was next to Ashton in the love seat. This is so cliché.

"You guys are idiots." I heard Courtney mumble as she snuggled into Michael's arm. Not in love my ass.

"Psst Scarlett." Someone whispered. I looked around until I saw Ashton motioning his arm to come sit next to him. His eyes got bright when I started towards him. The floor boards slightly creaked as I crossed the living room to the love seat. I sat down next to him, keeping a bit of room so I wasn't too close. Ashton had another idea in his mind as he put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close to his chest. I felt my cheeks get warm.

That's when the movie officially started. I don't know why I'd ever want to watch it in the first place. From what I remember it's just a bunch of fake security filming. The guys seemed excited about watching it, even Courtney seemed to have an interest in it. Although she likes everything scary.

Halfway through the movie and I've basically had enough with it. Everyone seemed into it, almost not paying attention to the things around them. It's actually kind of embarrassing, I've had to cover my eyes multiple times now. Yet even when I do cover my eyes, I'm brought back to my life before. When my parents were still alive, when things were nice.

"Hey Scarlett, go make us some popcorn?" Calum asked as he sat in Luke's lap. I rolled my eyes and looked at Ashton. He continued to watch the movie, as if he hadn't even heard what Calum said.

"Sure Calum.'' I smiled and got up. Apparently Ash was really into the movie because his eyes stayed glued to the screen. I passed the couch and walked down the hallway into the kitchen. It was dark, yet the moonlight was enough for me to find the cabinet. I grabbed the unopened box and made sure I flipped it up on the right side before plopping it into the microwave. I clicked popcorn and silently watched the bag rise.

It took 2 minutes before I finally took it out. I found a bowl and poured all of it. Then I added some salt. As I picked up the bowl and started walking towards the hallway I heard something fall inside the kitchen. The hallway was dark, leaving nothing but the moonlight to shine through an open ceiling window. I quietly made my way back into the kitchen to find one of the pans had dropped.

Making sure I set the popcorn down, I bent over and picked up the metal pot. Then I set it back on the rack. I wonder how it fell off. I looked around for a second, but saw nothing. My mind is playing tricks on me I guess. I reached up for Cals popcorn and started my way back to the living room. This time nothing fell in the kitchen as I passed the staircase. I walked into the living room to expect everyone's attentive eyes on the tv. That's the thing... No one was there.

"Guys?" I called out but there was no answer. The movie was still playing on the tv. I watched as the girl was dragged from her bed, down the stairs and into the closet. My mind raced as I watched the poor girl struggle to escape, but her efforts were thrown away. She couldn't stop whatever was pulling her.

Like just in the movies I fell down, while a hand grabbed my ankle. I tried to look behind me but I couldn't at all. I screamed out for help, but who was here to hear my pleas? I felt my shirt coming up as someone dragged me in along floor. I kept screaming until I heard a door open. I looked to my side and saw the closet door opening. I grabbed onto the wall and tried to stop the person but my hand slipped. I was tucked inside the damn closet.

My eyes scanned around frantically trying to find the door. I felt around until I finally found the knob and I yanked it. Locked. I felt vulnerable, I felt actual fear. This was one of my greatest fears. The fear of darkness.

I brought my knees close to my face as I sat down. Salty tears rolled down my face as a memory of my mom came running through my thoughts.


"Are you sure you're old enough to watch this?" Mom asked skeptically as she gave the ticket guy money. He ripped off two perfectly new tickets and handed them to my mom.

"Of course! Courtney has seen it with her brother, so I think I'm good." I said with a small smile on my face. My mom had taken off work just for me. We finally had a mother and daughter time.

"Ok, but don't come running to me if you have a nightmare!" She laughed and got in line for popcorn. I sat down and waited for her to return. This is the 3rd time I've ever been to the movies, but we rented a lot, so it wasn't like it was my first movie. That's what I do all day, other then Twitter and eating.

"Okay let's go Scar!" She called, I stood up and walked quickly to catch up with her. Her heals clicked along the smooth glassy floor of the theater. This was actually happening, we were going to watch a movie together.

We chose one of the middle rows, so we were surrounded by plenty of people. Soon the lights dimmed and the movie started.

After the movie

We had just arrived home. It was later then I thought, 10:45 at night. I guess it's time to sleep for school tomorrow.

"Goodnight mom." I yawned and gave her a hug before walking up to my room. I swear I jumped at every little thing. Soon I made it to my room and fell onto my bed. I brought the covers up near my face, my room was dark and I had a sense of uncertainty. The picture of Katie replayed in my mind, as I remembered her getting pulled out of her bed and into the closet. I shivered and pulled the covers farther up.

My eyes stayed wide open for a few more minutes. My mind raced with all the possibilities. Was there something in my room? Was it going to hurt me? Why am I afraid?

I was brought out of my thoughts as the door slowly opened. I shoved my face under the covers and covered my ears. Hot tears ran down my face. It was here to get me.

"Scar? Honey are you ok?" My mom asked as she walked over to my bed. She smiled and rolled up the covers that were hiding my fearful face.

"Nothing's here to get you Scarlett, and if there ever is, mom will scare them away." She said and smiled wider. After that she pecked my cheek and got up. I slept like a baby after that. Whenever I got scared I just thought of what she told me, everything's alright...

@End Of Flashback@

The thought of her made more tears fall from my face.

"Nothing's here to get you Scarlett, and if there ever is, mom will scare them away." I whispered. I could almost feel her sitting with me, smiling. I was not afraid. I'm just imagining things. Suddenly I remembered I had a spare key. I bent down and felt around for the rug. When I found it I lifted it up and grabbed the key. Yes, we do have a rug in our closet.

I reached over and twisted the key inside the knob. After, I gave it a slight tug and the door came unlocked. My face was blank as I walked into the living room, they had all sat back down and we're watching the movie. Calum and Luke had a sly smile on their faces, while Ashton had a guilty look. I walked over to the tv and shut it off.

"Cmon Scarlett." Calum whined as he shoved a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"I'm sorry Scar-'' Luke started but I cut him off. I was pissed.

"Hey did you guys know my mom's dead? Oh and also did you know the last movie she took me to was Paranormal Activity? I bet you didn't know I have achluophobia, fear of the dark. You all are assholes. I don't even know why I bothered." I yelled and quickly walked away from all of their shocked expressions.

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