Chapter 24

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5SOS FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER ON FRIDAY SO IM STILL KIND OF FREAKING OUT!! Follow me on Twitter if you would like (@ashtonsfate)! If you vote, comment down your Twitter name and I'll DM you to the band acc! I'll be checking soon :) onto the story. ~Em

Scarlett's P.O.V

I woke up in a haze. My mind was fuzzy and I heard light shouts from a distance. It was still pitch black... What's going on? Why is this happening? Unlike my last dream I couldn't see anything but now i can see my body. Something wasn't right though, I could feel it. When I looked down I wasn't in my average outfit, I was in a dress. It was a black mini dress with a white bow tied around the waist.

I stood up on the ground which was made of a glossy black granite. If you've ever been in a dark room and had to find the way out then you know exactly what it's like here. A constant worry that you might trip into something of fall into oblivion. The shouts were louder as I walked straight. I could vaguely hear a male. His voice conquering over the other voices

After venturing far enough so I could hear the males voice to the best of my ability, I sat on the ground and laid my head back to look up at the darkness above. The shouts had stopped which had brought a frown to my face. The voice seemed so familiar and soft. Come back...

Ashton's P.O.V

"Wha- what?"

"We'll sh-" the nurse started.

"No, you're lying." I said to the nurse.

"I'm sorry sir but it's just h-"

"Tell me you're lying! She's fine."

"Sir please don't yell! We told you whats happening!" She shouted at me. She's crossed my line.

"You're a lying bitch! She was fine yesterday and she's fine today! Don't tell me she's not fine when she's still breathing! She'll wake up any minute you just wait!" I screamed at her. The nurse looked taken back as she walked over to the phone and quickly picked it up.

"We need security immediately." She mumbled. I took the moment to sprint out of the room before I was thrown out. I ran as fast as I could down the hall. The corner was nearing but before I could reach it I felt someone grab me. I looked up to see our bodyguard, Dragon. He was on break but I guess he heard about the situation.

"Let me the fuck go Dragon!" I yelled as he basically carried me to the front.

"Did you not hear a fucking thing I said?!? Let me go!" I screamed. I could feel the tears running down my face. After a minute of kicking and yelling I gave up. Dragon carried me back to where the waiting room was. The lads were awake which pissed me off.

He set me down in a chair but this time I didn't fight back. Realization hit me, the nurse wasn't lying was she?

Luke's P.O.V

We all looked over at a fuming Ashton. His hands were tucked into fists so his knuckles were bright white. He had his face down and was slouched in the chair. I gained enough guts to get up. I walked over to where he sat then stood right in front of him. I lifted my hand up then went in to touch his shoulder. In all honesty I was expecting him to grab my hand and pull it away or yell at me. What happened was totally unexpected.

Ashton leaped out of his chair and into my arms in a matter of seconds. He was crying hysterically, who knows why. Instead of pondering him with questions I just hugged him back. This was our Ashton.

"I'm sorry guys..." He whispered before pulling back and looking up at all of his friends. Before I could respond a security guard rushed up towards him and pulled him back. Ashton held his head down as the security guard pulled him along to the front door.

"Wait!" I yelled and got up. Ash just shook his head and looked up at me. His hazel eyes were dark and dull.

"She's just lost..." His voice muttered as he was thrown out of the hospital.

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