Chapter 11

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Another chapter, on a long Tuesday, let's get started. Thanks for everyone who's voted!!~Em (yeah this is short because another chapter is going out today :) )


Days, then weeks, then months had passed. They said as you get older, your life is supposed to get better. You're supposed to go to homecoming with the boy you loved. Have friends and go to crazy parties. These past months though, have gotten worse. The bullying never stops. Ever since the day the boys had left things started going crazy. Courtney is away and mom has cancer. I don't know how much mo-.

A wet tear hit the page of my journal. I have had one since 5 weeks ago, and I intend on keeping it close. I stopped writing and set the pen down. I looked onto my phone.


The boys had stopped calling/texting. At least this was my last year of school. I could move anywhere I wanted after that. It made me happy yet sad. This is where I grew up. Yet, I don't think it's right anymore. Let's hope the year goes by fast.

-5 months later-

My mom had just passed away a few nights ago. We had a ceremony 3 days after, my mom had been planning it. Which I thought was sad. Imagine planning your own grave and your own funeral knowing your time was up. I was left with basically a few of my moms possessions and my things.

I should be sad or crying but instead here I am huddled in the corner of my room watching 5sos covers. They still haven't texted or called in months and now I just think they forgot about me. So I was right, they were just being nice. They never really wanted to be my friend. Well guess what? I don't want them as friends either.

Then why am I here, sitting in my empty house, watching old covers and funny/cute moments. Sometimes I feel like a tug of war goes on through my head. Since a few nights ago Courtney had agreed that I could come live with her. I didn't have much money but it seemed like Courtney always had some. I was really sad when she said she was moving to Australia. But she invited me to go with her. She really is the greatest friend a girl could ask for. (Comment the name of your best friend <3)

That's why my room was empty. We were moving tomorrow. Courtney had already bought the flat and everything. Tomorrow we were moving to Sydney Australia. I couldn't be any more happy. I set my headphones down and packed my laptop. I should go to sleep. I have to get up in 4 hours...

- The next day-

It was 6 am and I wast tired af. I stepped into the shower and took a five minute shower. I put shampoo and conditioner in my hair and washed it. I decided on simple sweatpants and a tank top. Since it was a 14 hour flight from Miami to Sydney. Courtney pulled up and I loaded some of my boxes in her car. We would have them shipped over to Australia soon. We drove to the airport.

Time seemed to move slowly when we got to the airport. Our flight was late and for some reason there was girls crowded around the area. I checked on my phone and got up to use the restroom.

I walked down the busy airport lane, even though it was so early in the morning. I walked past a few more teenage girls, they were also running to where I previously was. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I used the restroom and walked back to see Courtney pacing around. Her frustrated face evident.

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked while walking up to her.

"They changed my seat. So we won't be able to sit together." She said. My eyebrows furrowed and I walked up to the lady.

"Excuse me, me and my friend had tickets to sit next to each other on the plane. Somehow things got mixed up..." I said to the attendant near the gates. She scanned over our plane tickets and looked up at me.

"One of your seats were taken. This happens randomly when we have famous people attending us." The girl said and walked away. I looked at my plane ticket again. Courtney sat in 3D now and I sat in 2A. Our original tickets were for 1A and 2A. So who could be sitting next to me now?

I walked back and sat down in one of the few chairs near my gate. Courtney was in front of me and we were talking. Somehow I found it idiotic famous people somewhat always get what they want. For example the best seats a flight could offer. I just huffed and shut my eyes. The plane would be here soon. But I could barely keep them open...

-A little while later-

Someone kicked my foot and I shot up to see a grumpy looking Courtney.

"They just called our gate number. Lego." She said and rolled her luggage to the entrance. I groggily got up and did the same. The woman scanned our tickets and we walked down the ramp. The airplane door was open and I jumped in. Right up front there was my seat, A2. Instead of what I thought was 2 seats there was three. This means I would have to sit in the middle of two strangers. Oh god.

I put my luggage in the luggage compartment and sat down. With my phone in my hand, I put my sweatshirt on and pulled the hood over my hair. I also put on my glasses. No need to wear contacts when no one I knew would see me.

I looked up and saw more people walk in. The ones that stood out were the ones with their hoods pulled up over their face. They had dark sunglasses on, each one of them. I was even more creeped out when two of them sat on each side of me after they put their luggage up.

They starred at me for a second before doing their own thing. I decided to put my headphones on because these guys were loud and told the worst jokes I have ever heard to each other. I pulled out my phone and decided to play 5SOS' new single Amnesia. I took my glasses off and shut my eyes. Let's hope I can sleep for 14 hours,

-2 Hours Later-

I was rudely awakened by the back of my seat being pushed up and down. I heard laughing and the pushing got harder. I shook my head and tried going back to sleep but they kept kicking. So fucking immature.

"Will you guys st-" I started but stopped. My eyes went wide. The person sitting in front of me was not someone I ever expected to see.



Sorry if this is confusing. If you want comment what you think would make this better or what you like about my fanfic. Thanks!! ~Em

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