Chapter 17

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Scarlett's P.O.V

As Ashton's car came to a stop I quickly opened the door. Then I roughly shut it and ran up to the front door not even bothering to say bye.

As I walked in the flat, there was no sign of Courtney. So I decided to ignore it.The stairway felt like forever to climb up until I reached the top. The door at the end of the hallway, my room, was cracked and welcoming. Everything was in place, but that was before I jumped on top of the bed. My emotions were getting the better of me.

That's when I heard something I hadn't for a long time. Not since my dad died at least. It was them. Those voices that tell you things you never want to hear. The worst thing was though, the voices I heard weren't mine, like they usually were. It was the boys' voices.





They kept continuing even when I put my hands over my ears. It was inside my mind. Single tears dropped from my eyes until I was full on crying. Their voices got louder until they stopped. This time there was only one voice. Ashton's

Did you really think I cared about you?

You were just some stupid fan

Just our little pity case

The voice got louder until that's all I could hear. It was like loud shouts and I didn't know how to stop it. My mouth opened, then I let out a loud scream. I was falling apart, and no one was here for me. I kept shouting out loud and quiet whimpers left my mouth. I am so weak, my own mind is fighting with me. Except it sounds so real. My eyes shut hard.

Then it suddenly all stopped.

"Juliet!" Ashton yelled as he ran into my room. He took one look at my face then jogged over to me. Ash swiftly sat next to me and took me into his arms. Then after I wouldn't stop crying he picked me up and set me in his lap. He cradled me in his arms and cooed in my ear sweet things.

As I sit here, huddled against the boy I love I realize how fucking stupid I am. So stupid for falling in love. So stupid for loving a guy that has ruined my life over and over again. Over the months I've realized that I've been sucking up to them. I wouldn't be able to let them go. Not even if I tried. I would keep coming back no matter what they did.

"You don't have to tell me what you're going through, but know that I'm here for you." He whispered in my ear. Then kept hugging me while slightly rubbing my arm. I moved my hand and slightly put my arm on his back.

This boy could tear me down and pick me up all the time. It felt like I was a puzzle that kept being put together then destroyed.

(My battery is a 69% ha. Not to ruin the moment but I thought you should all know :))

A little while later Ashton lightly got up from my bed. I heard him softly walk over to the other side of the room. Just as I looked up the tune to Give Me Love by Ed Sheeran started to play. Why was he playing music?

"Juliet, would you like to dance with me?" Ash asked as he bent down and held his hand out. I hesitantly took it. He took the lead and put one hand on my waste while taking the other and tightening his grip around it. I did the same. Then soon he stepped to the side a bit.

We weren't perfect at dancing together. It was just enough though. Enough to tell me he actually cared. There must be a place in his heart where Scarlett is. Wether it's far down deep or not. It has to be there somewhere.

Suddenly Ashton lifted our hands in the air and twirled me slightly. His strong arms snaked their way around my waist. I put my hands around his neck. It was more like a slow dance now. Ashton's eyes were closed. His locks were all tousled together. Even though he wasn't smiling you could see his dimples. When his hazel eyes opened, they looked straight into mine. My cheeks got warm and then I looked down. Until he put his hand underneath my chin a tilted it up.

"No need to be shy love." He whispered then hugged me slightly. Our feet swayed a bit. The tune still ringed. Until I heard my door open quickly.

"Scarlett-" Courtney started but stopped when she saw Ashton. Her eyebrows furrowed then widened. Ashton stood there while starring wide eyed at Courtney

"Scarlett what?" He asked slowly before looking between us both.

"Our friend Scarlett just called. She wanted to talk to Juliet." I mentally face palmed myself.

(COURTNEY IS HELPING ME WITH THIS PART... While having a make out session w/ mgc.)

"I guess I'll leave then..." Ashton awkwardly said then walked out.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked rather ruddily.

"I ran into Michael when I was out." She quickly said before pacing around the room.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"Thats not the thing Scarlett, he asked about you." She whispered then looked down at the floor.

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