Chapter 22

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(Apparently you guys can't get enough of my story. As in you guys I mean Courtney. So here is a mini chapter because why not?)

Luke's P.O.V

I sat in the uncomfortable hospital chair. The other guys did the same as we waited for word on Scar. I should've know it was her in the first place. We are such dicks. No sign of Ashton yet, he's really pissing me off. Just as I say that Ashton walks in. Speak of the devil.

"What did you do to her huh?" I say as I get up and walk over to him. I can't help myself as I grab his jacket and push him on the wall. He looked at me shocked. He looked the worst out of all of us. His hair everywhere and his eyes dull and full of sadness. It almost broke me seeing him like this.

"Are you going to talk? Or are we going to stand like this all day?"

"I screwed up Luke!! I get it!! Don't go blaming me though. We all contributed." Ashton snarled right in my face. He shoved me back as well.

"Lads! Calm the fuck down you're making things worse!" Calum yelled, which took us all by surprise. As we averted our attention to him I notice I was wrong. He looked the worst out of everyone. Just like Courtney he balled his eyes out. Cal looked like a lost puppy in his own little world.

"Listen Calum, I'm not in the mood so why don't you go back to crying?" Ashton yelled. We were getting weird looks from the nurses and other people who sat around us.

"Why don't you all just shut up! Just shut up please." This time we looked over to who was talking. Courtney was huddled in her own chair, Michael right next to her. Ashton looked even more pissed. He walked over to Courtney, leaned down so he could whisper in her ear. After he was done talking there was a look of disgust on Courtney's face. She got right up and slapped him hard, then stormed out of the room, Michael following close behind. Ashton just started laughing hysterically.

As I stood here, my feet aching and my head pounding, I realized this was not the band I grew up with. The lads would never do this. Ashton is making everything worse by being here.

"Here for a Miss Hancock?" A nurse asked in the front. We all got up, exchanging glares with one another. Michael and Courtney also walking in. Courtney not bothering to take one glance at Ashton.

"We are." I said, my voice shaking a bit. The nurse smiled but it faded as she glanced over the report.

"Here is her condition, she's lost a lot of blood, her head has a slight gash on it and she seems to have internal bleeding. Do any of you know if she's seen a therapist?"

"A therapist? For what?" Courtney asked.

"She hasn't told you?" The nurse questioned as she nodded her head in disapproval.

"No, not even me." Courtney said.

"Scarlett has what we call, Schizophrenia. Its basically where you fail to tell what is real or not. For instance, see things that aren't supposed to be there or hear voices inside their head. People with extremely rough history usually pass through this once and a while. In Scarlett's case she has Paranoid Schizophrenia. Which means she is inflicted much pain or sadness she gains a second voice, inside her head. Wether she chooses to listen to them or not they can make her do things she's never thought of doing." The nurse said before she scribbled something down on her notepad.

Everything went silent. Courtney broke down again and Calum sat on his chair. What was even worse, was when I saw many doctors rush to where Scarlett's room was.

Duh duh duhhhhh. I left it on a cliff hanger, but don't worry a new chapter will be out soon :) ~Em

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