Chapter 12

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Another short chapter :( Sorry guys...~Em


-Scarlett's P.O.V-

"Are you a fan?" Michael asked and looked at me with confused eyes.

I just shrugged and sat down. I pulled my hood over my face so they couldn't see me. My phone dinged and I didn't dare look at it.

"So you are a fan." Luke muttered with a smirk. I looked at him and he had my phone in his hand. The screen was lit with a tweet he had just sent.

"Hey give me that!" I yelled and attempted to get it but he just stretched his hand up. My headphones fell out of my phone and all of a sudden Disconnected was playing. Everyone on the plane looked at us. If my cheeks could get any more red they would've.

I forgot about the phone and sat down in my seat. Luke had also sat down since he was asked by a flight attendant.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of." I heard Ashton whisper. I scooted away from him but ended up falling into Luke's lap. Could this day get any worse? The hood was still over my face and I got up from his lap and walked quickly towards the restroom.

I never wanted to see them again. Of course now though I'm stuck on a plane ride in the middle of two of them. Why were they even in Florida? They told me if they ever were even close they would come visit me. The people I thought were my friends had forgotten about me. There was nothing I could do.

I cleaned up a bit and walked out back to my seat. They were watching stepbrothers.

"I'm sorry. I am a fan of you guys I just got a little freaked out." I whispered and they smiled at me.

"That's fine! What's your name love?" Calum asked me. It took me a second to respond, but when I did I knew I made a wrong decision.

"My name is Juliet." I said and looked down. By the way, I had dyed my hair blond a while back. So now I wasn't a brunette anymore.

"Your eyes look so familiar." Ashton said with a whisper. I'm pretty sure he meant for only the lads to hear it and not me. The other boys nodded and looked at me. I just walked over Luke and sat in my seat. I watched stepbrothers with them and Calum took a selfie with me on his phone. Soon there was only 7 hours left on the flight.

"Hey, we never asked. What's your twitter name?" Michael asked me.

"It's @TheIrwinEmpire." I told them and smiled. Honestly that wasn't even my twitter name. It was the name of my internet best friend. I hope she enjoys her 5/4. They got on their phones and followed her. Which was pretty exciting to see. She's always trying to get them to follow her. Now they are.

The rest of the ride was filled with movies and corny jokes from Michael occasionally. It was like I was a whole new person to them. Luke gave me back my phone which I thanked him for. I entered my password and clicked on the twitter icon. I had hit 100k last week. Best feeling in the world is to know so many people support you. I scrolled through a few DM's until one caught my eye. It was from 4 weeks ago.

@Ashton5SOS: We'll be close to Miami in 4 weeks. I hope we can meet up. Management had erased all of our contacts considering some people kept calling on our phones.

@Ashton5SOS: hey Scarlett, me and the boys miss you. Dm me back and I'll give you my new number...

@Ashton5SOS: I hope you haven't forgotten about us Scarlett... We love ya. Hope to see you soon.

They haven't forgotten about me. They were in Miami and they wanted to meet up. Then why not go to my house? Why go through the trouble if you were just heading back the next day? I just sighed and laid my head back. My eyes got heavy before shutting. They really do like you. They honestly do.

-6 hours later-

"Juliet, were about to land." Someone said as they pushed me side to side. I looked up and stretched a bit. Then I looked over to see the guys shutting their phones off.

"Wait before we land, what's your number?" Luke asked me before he had turned his phone off. I skeptically gave it to him and shut my own phone off. Soon we were on the ground.

"Nice meeting you Juliet!" They called as they all left with their bags. Each one of them had their hoods over their head. I stood up and got my own bag. Courtney walked down the aisle of the plane. I joined her as I got my luggage and walked off...


"So you're saying they were on the plane?" Courtney asked me for the 20th time.

"Yes, like I told you before, I had no clue they were on. It just so happened they sat next to me." I muttered and kept walking through the airport.

"Did they recognize you?" She questioned and I shrugged.

"Ash recognized my eyes."

"Wow that's so romantic." Courtney squealed in a fangirl way like she always did.

"To them my name is Juliet." I told her while I laughed.

"Juliet is a pretty name!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

We got into the taxi and started our way to the new flat.


Another chapter out soon >:) vote if you like it or like 5SOS in general :) thank you for reading!!~Em

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