Chapter 10

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It's Monday. I'm dead. I've been watching 5SOS videos for hours so I'm ready :).~Em

(Btw this is part 2 of the ninth chapter, even if it's called chapter 10. That's why it's short.)


Scarlett's P.O.V

My jaw dropped. The silence was unbearable. Soft chuckles could be heard from Michael and Calum. My heart started to race. Not only that but I felt out of place. I took my hand and brushed a few strands of the light brown hair that had fallen onto my face. I looked over at those bright green orbs. They were wide and fixed on Mike. He didn't want to kiss me. I already knew that.

"A dare is a dare Scarlett." Michael said with a sly smirk on his face.

I looked over at Ashton again and this time he was staring back. I just shrugged and crawled over to him. We were sitting in a circle but now it was a crescent. I sat in front of him and our eyes locked. Those eyes who I'd only seen on my laptop screen were staring back at me.

"We don't have to do this." I told him. My voice lower then a whisper.

Ash pulled me into his lap.

"It's a dare Scarlett, just go with it." Ashton told me with a tiny smile.

I stared at his lips and back up at his eyes. I leaned in.




Our lips touched. As if our lips were made for each other they moved in sync. It was short but I could feel the passion in it. I pulled away and blushed a deep red. Michael clapped and Luke got up and walked away. Courtney was doing dog whistles. Lastly Calum was on his phone. Twitter I'm guessing. I got up quickly and walked to the front door. I pushed it open and walked out. I stood for a few minutes and caught some air.

"I wasn't that bad of a kisser was I?" Ashton said as he shut the door behind him.

"No. I just needed some air that's all." I said quietly. I felt and hand on my soldier and looked up.

"I hope that didn't ruin our friendship or anything." Ash said with sincere eyes. I shook my head no then laid down on the front lawn, watching the stars that were shining in the sky. Another body was placed next to mine and I looked over.

"Do you ever wonder what's out there?" He asked, his gaze fixed on the stars.

"All the time..." I said silently.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"I think there is worlds like ours, millions of them. Some are ruled by mass figures of imagination. Some are just not ruled at all. Every one of them has something that the other one doesn't. Which makes the Earth special from the others. Something as simple as happiness or love could be different from another planet. I don't know honestly." I said all at once.

"Quite an imagination." He said with a smile.

"What about you?" I asked him. His eyes look around. Searching the night sky for an answer.

"I could stop and think what's out there other then Earth, but I just don't. I have a kick ass band, Amazing fans, the best brothers in the world. What more could I ask for. Yeah I stop and wonder about the stars once in a while. But there is no place that I would rather be then here, with you and the lads." He rambled.

I sat there and took a moment to myself. Ashton was one of the most genuine guys I've met. He doesn't pretend to be someone. He's perfect as himself. I couldn't imagine anywhere else I would like to be.

"We should go inside. It's late." He muttered. I nodded and we both went inside. We gave each other a friendly hug before I went upstairs and he went into the living room. Another perfect day, with the perfect people. Too bad it couldn't last forever.

I walked into my bedroom and sat on the bed with a sigh. I laid down and soon my eyes shut. Darkness was all I saw and I was out.


@Next Day@

I woke up around 3:00 in the afternoon. Light was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes. The sound of birds chirping and running water is what I heard. I got up and walked downstairs. The guys must've left this morning. I opened up a package of poptarts and sat down. Twitter popped up as I opened my iPhone and I felt my heart break.

@5SOS: Just got on the plane. 14 hour flight. Not ready for the jet-leg... Thanks Miami for being amazing! #UnexpectedPlaneRide

There was also a few more texts from the guys and my mom.

Ashton: Had an amazing weekend with you :) We can skype whenever you want after our flight xx

Calum: Text me whenever!! Love ya x :)

Michael: PIZZZAAA <333

Luke: Nice meeting you Scarlett. Don't forget our promise ;) <3

While reading these all I was hearing in my head was you'll never see them again. I had a feeling it was right.

"Hey bae!" Courtney said while walking down the stairs. Her hair was damp.

"Hey... Did you know the guys are on a flight to London?" I asked her. She shook her head yes slowly and I put my heads in my hands. The next time they will even be near Miami is in 10 months. Who knows what could happen....


The next chapters might be a bit confusing. I won't publish them till I explain everything. Get ready for the ride. What you just read was only the beginning.~Em

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