Chapter 20

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Scarlett's P.O.V

We continued walking for a bit longer. Me a few feet away from Ash. It wasn't long until we reached the opening. Let's just say the guys weren't in the greatest moods when we got back. I just ignored them and got in my car. What a long way back.

(Courtney is being a bitch and keeps on pressing RANDOM BUTTONS VUGTXRYUOHJ,.J SO I CANT TYPE$6 hyjnr)

My journey home was tiring. Considering I could barely keep my eyes open. Then I looked in the rearview mirror. My reflection was distasteful. The knots in my blonde hair was evident, and the dye fading. I had tiny cuts on my forehead from where I missed some branches. I can't imagine how Ashton is. Considering he took the lead.

(vggff gifs. I rock like 5sos because I am punk rock bitch🚬grbfgbrthnasdffghjjkl) <- what happens when you're in a car ride with the slut Courtney. Great way to ruin the moment.

I parked the car in the driveway. Then I headed for the door and put my key in. Before I could touch the handle it was swung open.

"Where have you been!?" Courtney yelled as she pulled me in by the ear.

"I'm sorr-"

"You said you be home by 6, it's 10:30 at night and we had din-." She said before sitting me down on the couch.

"Ashton kissed me." I said suddenly. Her eyebrows scrunched up.

"What do you mean?" She asked her voice shaking as she talked.

"We were in the woods and he kissed me. Then he said he loved Scarlett, that he couldn't kiss me because he loved me." Courtney gave me a confused look before turning around and walking upstairs.

"Courtney wa-!"

"I just need some sleep. We'll talk about this tomorrow." Then I heard a door slam. Why was she so pissed?

A little while later I got up from the couch. Then made my way up the long staircase till I was at the top. My feet led me to the end of the hallway where my room was. The door was open but then shut. I walked over to my windowsill and opened the window up. No sign of Ashton, as the lights were off and the bed untouched.

I touched the place where Ashton kissed me, it felt warm and soft. If he was truly in love with me then why would he have not noticed I was Scarlett by now. The moonlight was beautiful and I've never been able to appreciate it until now. As my eyes roamed the night sky, I found the brightest star. It lit up the sky, dominating the other stars around it, except for 3 other stars. They shinned as bright as the first star.

I smiled, the star reminded me of the guys. They are bright, and happy. They shine brighter then anyone else I've seen. I wonder what wou-

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard a door slam. I looked down to find Ashton rummaging through his drawer. He pulled out a cd disk then started to walk out. Before he entirely walked out he stopped. Then turned around to meet my eyes. I swallowed hard. Had he noticed I was here the whole time?

Ash walked up to the window and gave me a grin. Yet this wasn't a grin you would usually get from Ashton. It was sinister and creepy looking. He then slammed the shades to the window down. I jumped back in surprise. What the fuck?

That wasn't the Ashton I knew. What happened to him? Just as I was about to walk over there when my phone went off. I picked it up out of my pocket and saw I had a text from Calum.

Cal: Hey do you know what's up with Ashton? He didn't talk to us at all and made Michael cry. (No joke ://)

Jules: I was wondering the same. Maybe he's having a bad day? I'll check up on him first thing tomorrow morning.

Cal: Okay Juliet. Talk to ya later xox :)

I shut my phone off and jumped in my bed. Looks like I'm going to have a talk with Ashton tomorrow. He looked so sad when he smiled at me. It was like everything inside of him was broken.

What happened after I left today?

-Next day 9:00 AM-

My eyes opened to a bright light. The alarm clock near my bed was going off and I slammed my hand on top of it. Just before I could even think about anything else, I remember I have to talk to Ashton soon. I put my shoes on and didn't bother changing my clothes. Then I put my hair in a bun before heading to Ashton's. I thought it would be good to see him before he left his room or the house.

As I made my way across the front yard I saw a car parked out in front of Ashton's. I knocked on the door a few times. A sleepy Harry answered the door.

"Hi neighbor." He said before stepping aside and letting me in. Without another word he walked in the opposite direction. My eyebrows furrowed but I shook it off. This house was fairly similar to mine, so I know where Ashton's room is. I walked up the long staircase to the top, then walked to the door at the opposite end of the hall to mine. I opened the door slowly and closed my eyes. As I walked in quietly I opened to find,

Ashton lying in bed. My breathe hitched in my throat. The thing was, Ashton was lying in his bed, but there was a girl lying right next to him. Ash's shirt was off and his hair messy. I- I thought he loved me. Yesterday he even told me he loved me! Yet he shagged a girl! I knew it! He is a dick, and I'll make sure he'll never play with my heart again.

That's when I lost it. I ran down the stairs. Then through the front door into the grass. I was about to walk inside until I felt a hand on my arm. I stood there quietly and didn't dare look behind me. After a minute of just silence passed I turned around. What I found wasn't at all as I suspected. Luke stood there, my arm still in his hand. His face in utter shock. I followed his gaze down to my arm.

Luke's P.O.V


Scarlett ran out of the room. I'm assuming she had to plug in her phone or something.

"Lads I have to use the restroom." I told them and waved at the camera telling them I would be back shortly. I got up and headed toward the stairs. Now where was the restroom? I asked myself walking around. Suddenly I heard what sounded like light sobs. I followed the noise till I found a restroom. The light was on and the sobs were louder.

I slowly opened the door. I know what you're thinking. Luke! You are breaking the one rule of girls privacy. At this moment, I needed to find out. I stepped inside and shut the door behind me. I turned around to see something that made my heart break.

"Scar- Scarlett?" I said, my voice quivering. She sat on the toilet seat, her hair in her face. Blood was everywhere on her arm. The gentle girl before me was having a battle with herself.

"Why? Scarlett why?!" I whisper yelled at her.

"That girl.. We didn't really talk about girl things." She said, her voice light giving out a little as she talked. She then started crying again. I took her into a tight embrace.

-End Of Flashback-

These scars on her wrist, her smile, her eyes, her voice, her laugh, her affection. Could this really be?


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